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inchi_main - InChI library call example, classic API


inchi_main inputFile [outputFile [logFile [problemFile]]] [-option[ -option...]]



•STDIO: Use standard input/output streams

•InpAux: Input structures in InChI default aux. info format (for use with STDIO)

•SDF:DataHeader: Read from the input SDfile the ID under this DataHeader

•START:n: Start at n-th input structure

•END:n: Stop after n-th input structure

•RECORD:n: Treat only n-th input structure


•NoLabels: Omit structure number, DataHeader and ID from InChI output

•NoWarnings: Suppress all warning messages

•AuxNone: Omit auxiliary information

•SaveOpt: Save custom InChI creation options (non-standard InChI)

•Tabbed: Separate structure number, InChI, and AuxInfo with tabs

•MergeHash: Combine InChIKey with extra hash(es) if present

•NoInChI: Do not print InChI string itself

•OutputSDF: Convert InChI created with default aux. info to SDfile

•SdfAtomsDT: Output Hydrogen Isotopes to SDfile as Atoms D and T

Structure perception

•SNon: Exclude stereo (default: include absolute stereo)

•NEWPSOFF: Both ends of wedge point to stereocenters (default: a narrow end)

•LooseTSACheck: Relax criteria of ambiguous drawing for in-ring tetrahedral stereo

•DoNotAddH: All H are explicit (default: add H according to usual valences)

Stereo perception modifiers (non-standard InChI)

•SRel: Relative stereo

•SRac: Racemic stereo

•SUCF: Use Chiral Flag: On means Absolute stereo, Off - Relative

Customizing InChI creation (non-standard InChI)

•SUU: Always include omitted unknown/undefined stereo

•SLUUD: Make labels for unknown and undefined stereo different

•RecMet: Include reconnected metals results

•FixedH: Include Fixed H layer

•KET: Account for keto-enol tautomerism (experimental)

•15T: Account for 1,5-tautomerism (experimental)

•PT_22_00: Account for PT_22_00 tautomerism (experimental)

•PT_16_00: Account for PT_16_00 tautomerism (experimental)

•PT_06_00: Account for PT_06_00 tautomerism (experimental)

•PT_39_00: Account for PT_39_00 tautomerism (experimental)

•PT_13_00: Account for PT_13_00 tautomerism (experimental)

•PT_18_00: Account for PT_18_00 tautomerism (experimental)


•Wnumber: Set time-out per structure in seconds; W0 means unlimited

•WMnumber: Set time-out per structure in milliseconds (int); WM0 means unlimited

•LargeMolecules: Treat molecules up to 32766 atoms (experimental)

•WarnOnEmptyStructure: Warn and produce empty InChI for empty structure

•Polymers: Allow processing of polymers (experimental)

•Polymers105: Allow processing of polymers (experimental, legacy mode of v. 1.05)

•FoldCRU: Fold polymer CRU if inner repeats occur

•NoFrameShift: Disable polymer CRU frame shift

•NoEdits: Disable polymer CRU frame shift and folding

•NPZz: Allow non-polymer-related Zz atoms (pseudo element placeholders)

•SAtZz: Allow stereo at atoms connected to Zz(default: disabled)

•Key: Generate InChIKey

•XHash1: Generate hash extension (to 256 bits) for 1st block of InChIKey

•XHash2: Generate hash extension (to 256 bits) for 2nd block of InChIKey


•InChI2Struct: Test mode: Mol/SDfile → InChI → Structure → (InChI+AuxInfo)

•InChI2InChI: Convert Convert InChI string(s) into InChI string(s)