table of contents
bool mongoc_collection_update_many (mongoc_collection_t *collection,
const bson_t *selector,
const bson_t *update,
const bson_t *opts,
bson_t *reply,
bson_error_t *error);
- collection: A mongoc_collection_t.
- selector: A bson_t containing the query to match documents for updating.
- update: A bson_t containing the update to perform. If updating with a pipeline, a bson_t array.
- reply: A maybe-NULL pointer to overwritable storage for a bson_t to contain the results.
- error: An optional location for a bson_error_t or NULL.
opts may be NULL or a BSON document with additional command options:
- writeConcern: Construct a mongoc_write_concern_t and use mongoc_write_concern_append() to add the write concern to opts. See the example code for mongoc_client_write_command_with_opts().
- sessionId: First, construct a mongoc_client_session_t with mongoc_client_start_session(). You can begin a transaction with mongoc_client_session_start_transaction(), optionally with a mongoc_transaction_opt_t that overrides the options inherited from collection, and use mongoc_client_session_append() to add the session to opts. See the example code for mongoc_client_session_t.
- validate: Construct a bitwise-or of all desired bson_validate_flags_t. Set to false to skip client-side validation of the provided BSON documents.
- comment: A bson_value_t specifying the comment to attach to this command. The comment will appear in log messages, profiler output, and currentOp output. Requires MongoDB 4.4 or later.
- bypassDocumentValidation: Set to true to skip server-side schema validation of the provided BSON documents.
- collation: Configure textual comparisons. See Setting Collation Order, and the MongoDB Manual entry on Collation. Collation requires MongoDB 3.2 or later, otherwise an error is returned.
- hint: A document or string that specifies the index to use to support the query predicate.
- upsert: When true, creates a new document if no document matches the query.
- let: A BSON document consisting of any number of parameter names, each followed by definitions of constants in the MQL Aggregate Expression language.
- arrayFilters: An array of filters specifying to which array elements an update should apply.
This function updates all documents in collection that match selector.
To update at most one document see mongoc_collection_update_one().
If you pass a non-NULL reply, it is filled out with fields matchedCount, modifiedCount, and optionally upsertedId if applicable. If there is a server error then reply contains either a "writeErrors" array with one subdocument or a "writeConcernErrors" array. The reply must be freed with bson_destroy().
Errors are propagated via the error parameter.
Returns true if successful. Returns false and sets error if there are invalid arguments or a server or network error.
A write concern timeout or write concern error is considered a failure.
MongoDB update command documentation for more information on the update options.
MongoDB, Inc
2009-present, MongoDB, Inc.
January 9, 2025 | 1.29.2 |