odffilesearch - File selection by keywords
odffilesearch -R "D:\Documents\*.odt" openoffice desktop XML
produces the list of the ODF Text documents present in the given
directory and its subdirectories, and containing the words
"openoffice", "desktop" AND "XML"
odffilesearch -command "rm -f %f" "*.ods *.odt" lost dismiss cancel
executes the "rm -f filename" (i.e. deletes the file in a Unix system)
for each ODT or ODS file present in the current directory
and containing the words "lost", "dismiss" AND "cancel"
odffilesearch [-options] <file filter> <keyword list>
This utility allows the user to retrieve a list of files matching
a given set of keywords or regular expressions. A file is selected
when it contains, in its text and/or in its metadata (title, subject,
keywords or description), all the given search strings.
The selected files are echoed to the standard output (one file per
line), so this utility can be used as a filter piping its results
to another program. Alternatively, a given shell command can be
launched by the script each time a file matches, allowing on-the-fly
processing of the selected documents.
The files filter may content one or more space-separated paths.
Each path may content jokers. So it's possible to explore several
directories and/or several filename patterns.
All the arguments after the file filter are processed as search
-R -recursive
include the subdirectories of each given search directory
-verbose -trace -debug
echo some processing comments
activate the warning messages of the OpenOffice::OODoc API
-log <file>
like -verbose, but then messages are sent to the given file
and don't pollute the standard output
-result <file>
-output <file>
send the list of matching files to the given file and not
to the standard output
-criteria <file>
get search criteria from a file (one per line); the loaded
search keywords may be combined with additional criteria
passed with the command line, if any.
-command <command> -exec <command>
execute a shell command for each matching file ; if the
command string contains "%f", this substring is replaced
with the name of the selected file ; if this option is
provided, the selection list is not echoed to the standard
output ; if -verbose is on, the value returned by the
command is echoed
-encoding <encoding>
selects the user's character set ; this option is mandatory
if one or more search criteria contain characters not
belonging to the default character set