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Text::MicroMason::Embperl(3pm) | User Contributed Perl Documentation | Text::MicroMason::Embperl(3pm) |
Text::MicroMason::Embperl - Alternate Syntax like Embperl Templates
Instead of using this class directly, pass its name to be mixed in:
use Text::MicroMason; my $mason = Text::MicroMason::Base->new( -Embperl );
Use the standard compile and execute methods to parse and evaluate templates:
print $mason->compile( text=>$template )->( @%args ); print $mason->execute( text=>$template, @args );
Embperl syntax provides several ways to mix Perl into a text template:
[- my $name = $ARGS{name}; -] [$ if $name eq 'Dave' $] I'm sorry [+ $name +], I'm afraid I can't do that right now. [$ else $] [- my $hour = (localtime)[2]; my $daypart = ( $hour > 11 ) ? 'afternoon' : 'morning'; -] Good [+ $daypart +], [+ $name +]! [$ endif $]
This subclass replaces MicroMason's normal lexer with one that supports a syntax similar to Embperl.
Compatibility with Embperl¶
Embperl is a full-featured application server toolkit with many fatures, of which only the templating functionality is emulated.
This is not a drop-in replacement for Embperl, as the implementation is quite different, but it should be able to process some existing templates without major changes.
The following features of EmbPerl syntax are supported:
- •
- Square-bracket markup tags
The following syntax features of are not supported:
- •
- Dynamic HTML tags
Template Syntax¶
The following elements are recognized by the Embperl lexer:
- [- perl statements -]
Arbitrary Perl code to be executed at this point in the template.
- [+ perl expression +]
A Perl expression to be evaluated and included in the output.
- [! perl statements !]
Arbitrary Perl code to be executed once when the template is compiled.
- [$ name ... $]
Supported command names are: if, elsif, else, endif, foreach, endforeach, while, endwhile, do, until, var.
Private Methods¶
- lex_token
( $type, $value ) = $mason->lex_token();
Lexer for [. ... .] tags.
Attempts to parse a token from the template text stored in the global $_ and returns a token type and value. Returns an empty list if unable to parse further due to an error.
- assembler_rules()
- Adds mappings from command names used in [$ ... $] tokens to the
equivalent Perl syntax.
%syntax_rules = $mason->assembler_rules();
For an overview of this templating framework, see Text::MicroMason.
This is a mixin class intended for use with Text::MicroMason::Base.
For distribution, installation, support, copyright and license information, see Text::MicroMason::Docs::ReadMe.
2023-08-10 | perl v5.36.0 |