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sync_to_snapshot(1) USER COMMANDS sync_to_snapshot(1)


sync_to_snapshot - Rsync files to Amazon EC2


sync_to_snapshot Rsync the indicated files and directories to Amazon EC2 and store in a named EBS snapshot. Snapshot will be incrementally updated if it already exists. The Version tag will be updated.

This will use the default EC2 endpoint URL unless environment variable EC2_URL is set.


Snapshot name (required)
EC2 access key
EC2 secret key
Server AMI ID (defaults to ami-ccf405a5, Ubuntu Maverick 32bit)
Server type (defaults to m1.small)
Username for logging into instance ("ubuntu")
Type of filesystem to create (bfs,cramfs,ext*,minix,ntfs,vfat,msdos).

Anything with a /sbin/mkfs.* executable on the server side will work. Defaults to ext4.


Man page: Olivier Sallou <>

September 7, 2012 version 1.0