include/Zycore/Vector.h(3) | Library Functions Manual | include/Zycore/Vector.h(3) |
#include <Zycore/Allocator.h>
#include <Zycore/Comparison.h>
#include <Zycore/Object.h>
#include <Zycore/Status.h>
#include <Zycore/Types.h>
struct ZyanVector_
#define ZYAN_VECTOR_GET(type, vector, index) (*(const
type*)ZyanVectorGet(vector, index))
#define ZYAN_VECTOR_FOREACH(type, vector, item_name, body)
#define ZYAN_VECTOR_FOREACH_MUTABLE(type, vector, item_name, body)
typedef struct ZyanVector_ ZyanVector
ZyanVectorInit (ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize element_size,
ZyanUSize capacity, ZyanMemberProcedure destructor)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInitEx
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize element_size, ZyanUSize capacity,
ZyanMemberProcedure destructor, ZyanAllocator *allocator,
ZyanU8 growth_factor, ZyanU8 shrink_threshold)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInitCustomBuffer
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize element_size, void *buffer, ZyanUSize
capacity, ZyanMemberProcedure destructor)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDestroy
(ZyanVector *vector)
ZyanVectorDuplicate (ZyanVector *destination, const
ZyanVector *source, ZyanUSize capacity)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDuplicateEx
(ZyanVector *destination, const ZyanVector *source, ZyanUSize
capacity, ZyanAllocator *allocator, ZyanU8 growth_factor, ZyanU8
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDuplicateCustomBuffer
(ZyanVector *destination, const ZyanVector *source, void
*buffer, ZyanUSize capacity)
ZYCORE_EXPORT const void * ZyanVectorGet (const
ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index)
ZYCORE_EXPORT void * ZyanVectorGetMutable (const
ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorGetPointer (const
ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index, const void **value)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorGetPointerMutable
(const ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index, void **value)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorSet (ZyanVector
*vector, ZyanUSize index, const void *value)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorPushBack
(ZyanVector *vector, const void *element)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInsert
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index, const void *element)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInsertRange
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index, const void *elements, ZyanUSize
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorEmplace
(ZyanVector *vector, void **element, ZyanMemberFunction
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorEmplaceEx
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index, void **element,
ZyanMemberFunction constructor)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorSwapElements
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index_first, ZyanUSize index_second)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDelete
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDeleteRange
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize index, ZyanUSize count)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorPopBack
(ZyanVector *vector)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorClear
(ZyanVector *vector)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorFind (const
ZyanVector *vector, const void *element, ZyanISize *found_index,
ZyanEqualityComparison comparison)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorFindEx (const
ZyanVector *vector, const void *element, ZyanISize *found_index,
ZyanEqualityComparison comparison, ZyanUSize index, ZyanUSize count)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorBinarySearch (const
ZyanVector *vector, const void *element, ZyanUSize *found_index,
ZyanComparison comparison)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorBinarySearchEx (const
ZyanVector *vector, const void *element, ZyanUSize *found_index,
ZyanComparison comparison, ZyanUSize index, ZyanUSize count)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorResize
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize size)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorResizeEx
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize size, const void *initializer)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorReserve
(ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize capacity)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorShrinkToFit
(ZyanVector *vector)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorGetCapacity (const
ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize *capacity)
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorGetSize (const
ZyanVector *vector, ZyanUSize *size)
Detailed Description¶
Implements the vector container class.
Macro Definition Documentation¶
The default growth factor for all vector instances.
The default shrink threshold for all vector instances.
#define ZYAN_VECTOR_FOREACH(type, vector, item_name, body)¶
{ \
const ZyanUSize ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(size_d50d3303, item_name) = (vector)->size; \
for (ZyanUSize ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(i_bfd62679, item_name) = 0; \
ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(i_bfd62679, item_name) < \
ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(size_d50d3303, item_name); \
++ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(i_bfd62679, item_name)) \
{ \
const type item_name = ZYAN_VECTOR_GET(type, vector, \
ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(i_bfd62679, item_name)); \
body \
} \
Loops through all elements of the vector.
vector A pointer to the ZyanVector instance.
item_name The name of the iterator item.
body The body to execute for each item in the vector.
#define ZYAN_VECTOR_FOREACH_MUTABLE(type, vector, item_name, body)¶
{ \
const ZyanUSize ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(size_d50d3303, item_name) = (vector)->size; \
for (ZyanUSize ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(i_bfd62679, item_name) = 0; \
ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(i_bfd62679, item_name) < \
ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(size_d50d3303, item_name); \
++ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(i_bfd62679, item_name)) \
{ \
type* const item_name = ZyanVectorGetMutable(vector, \
ZYAN_MACRO_CONCAT_EXPAND(i_bfd62679, item_name)); \
body \
} \
Loops through all elements of the vector.
vector A pointer to the ZyanVector instance.
item_name The name of the iterator item.
body The body to execute for each item in the vector.
#define ZYAN_VECTOR_GET(type, vector, index) (*(const type*)ZyanVectorGet(vector, index))¶
Returns the value of the element at the given index.
vector A pointer to the ZyanVector instance.
index The element index.
Note that this function is unsafe and might dereference a null-pointer.
{ \
/* allocator */ ZYAN_NULL, \
/* growth_factor */ 0, \
/* shrink_threshold */ 0, \
/* size */ 0, \
/* capacity */ 0, \
/* element_size */ 0, \
/* destructor */ ZYAN_NULL, \
/* data */ ZYAN_NULL \
Defines an uninitialized ZyanVector instance.
The initial minimum capacity (number of elements) for all dynamically allocated vector instances.
Typedef Documentation¶
typedef struct ZyanVector_ ZyanVector¶
Defines the ZyanVector struct.
All fields in this struct should be considered as 'private'. Any changes may lead to unexpected behavior.
Function Documentation¶
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorBinarySearch (const ZyanVector * vector, const void * element, ZyanUSize * found_index, ZyanComparison comparison)¶
Searches for the first occurrence of element in the given vector using a binary- search algorithm.
element A pointer to the element to search for.
found_index A pointer to a variable that receives the index of the found element.
comparison The comparison function to use.
If found, found_index contains the zero-based index of element. If not found, found_index contains the index of the first entry larger than element.
This function requires all elements in the vector to be strictly ordered (sorted).
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorBinarySearchEx (const ZyanVector * vector, const void * element, ZyanUSize * found_index, ZyanComparison comparison, ZyanUSize index, ZyanUSize count)¶
Searches for the first occurrence of element in the given vector using a binary- search algorithm.
element A pointer to the element to search for.
found_index A pointer to a variable that receives the index of the found element.
comparison The comparison function to use.
index The start index.
count The maximum number of elements to iterate, beginning from the start index.
If found, found_index contains the zero-based index of element. If not found, found_index contains the index of the first entry larger than element.
This function requires all elements in the vector to be strictly ordered (sorted).
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorClear (ZyanVector * vector)¶
Erases all elements of the given vector.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDelete (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index)¶
Deletes the element at the given index of the vector.
index The element index.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDeleteRange (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index, ZyanUSize count)¶
Deletes multiple elements from the given vector, starting at index.
index The index of the first element to delete.
count The number of elements to delete.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDestroy (ZyanVector * vector)¶
Destroys the given ZyanVector instance.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZYAN_REQUIRES_LIBC ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDuplicate (ZyanVector * destination, const ZyanVector * source, ZyanUSize capacity)¶
Initializes a new ZyanVector instance by duplicating an existing vector.
source A pointer to the source vector.
capacity The initial capacity (number of elements).
This value is automatically adjusted to the size of the source vector, if
a smaller value was passed.
The memory for the vector is dynamically allocated by the default allocator using the default growth factor and the default shrink threshold.
Finalization with ZyanVectorDestroy is required for all instances created by this function.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDuplicateCustomBuffer (ZyanVector * destination, const ZyanVector * source, void * buffer, ZyanUSize capacity)¶
Initializes a new ZyanVector instance by duplicating an existing vector and configures it to use a custom user defined buffer with a fixed size.
source A pointer to the source vector.
buffer A pointer to the buffer that is used as storage for the elements.
capacity The maximum capacity (number of elements) of the buffer.
This function will fail, if the capacity of the buffer is less than the
size of the source vector.
Finalization is not required for instances created by this function.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorDuplicateEx (ZyanVector * destination, const ZyanVector * source, ZyanUSize capacity, ZyanAllocator * allocator, ZyanU8 growth_factor, ZyanU8 shrink_threshold)¶
Initializes a new ZyanVector instance by duplicating an existing vector and sets a custom allocator and memory allocation/deallocation parameters.
source A pointer to the source vector.
capacity The initial capacity (number of elements).
This value is automatically adjusted to the size of the source
vector, if a smaller value was passed.
allocator A pointer to a ZyanAllocator instance.
growth_factor The growth factor.
shrink_threshold The shrink threshold.
A growth factor of 1 disables overallocation and a shrink threshold of 0 disables dynamic shrinking.
Finalization with ZyanVectorDestroy is required for all instances created by this function.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorEmplace (ZyanVector * vector, void ** element, ZyanMemberFunction constructor)¶
Constructs an element in-place at the end of the vector.
element Receives a pointer to the new element.
constructor The constructor callback or ZYAN_NULL. The new element will be in undefined state, if no constructor was passed.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorEmplaceEx (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index, void ** element, ZyanMemberFunction constructor)¶
Constructs an element in-place and inserts it at the given index of the vector.
index The insert index.
element Receives a pointer to the new element.
constructor The constructor callback or ZYAN_NULL. The new element will be in undefined state, if no constructor was passed.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorFind (const ZyanVector * vector, const void * element, ZyanISize * found_index, ZyanEqualityComparison comparison)¶
Sequentially searches for the first occurrence of element in the given vector.
element A pointer to the element to search for.
found_index A pointer to a variable that receives the index of the found element.
comparison The comparison function to use.
The found_index is set to -1, if the element was not found.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorFindEx (const ZyanVector * vector, const void * element, ZyanISize * found_index, ZyanEqualityComparison comparison, ZyanUSize index, ZyanUSize count)¶
Sequentially searches for the first occurrence of element in the given vector.
element A pointer to the element to search for.
found_index A pointer to a variable that receives the index of the found element.
comparison The comparison function to use.
index The start index.
count The maximum number of elements to iterate, beginning from the start index.
The found_index is set to -1, if the element was not found.
ZYCORE_EXPORT const void * ZyanVectorGet (const ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index)¶
Returns a constant pointer to the element at the given index.
index The element index.
Note that the returned pointer might get invalid when the vector is resized by either a manual call to the memory-management functions or implicitly by inserting or removing elements.
Take a look at ZyanVectorGetPointer instead, if you need a function that returns a zyan status code.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorGetCapacity (const ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize * capacity)¶
Returns the current capacity of the vector.
capacity Receives the size of the vector.
ZYCORE_EXPORT void * ZyanVectorGetMutable (const ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index)¶
Returns a mutable pointer to the element at the given index.
index The element index.
Note that the returned pointer might get invalid when the vector is resized by either a manual call to the memory-management functions or implicitly by inserting or removing elements.
Take a look at ZyanVectorGetPointerMutable instead, if you need a function that returns a zyan status code.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorGetPointer (const ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index, const void ** value)¶
Returns a constant pointer to the element at the given index.
index The element index.
value Receives a constant pointer to the desired element in the vector.
Note that the returned pointer might get invalid when the vector is resized by either a manual call to the memory-management functions or implicitly by inserting or removing elements.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorGetPointerMutable (const ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index, void ** value)¶
Returns a mutable pointer to the element at the given index.
index The element index.
value Receives a mutable pointer to the desired element in the vector.
Note that the returned pointer might get invalid when the vector is resized by either a manual call to the memory-management functions or implicitly by inserting or removing elements.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorGetSize (const ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize * size)¶
Returns the current size of the vector.
size Receives the size of the vector.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZYAN_REQUIRES_LIBC ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInit (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize element_size, ZyanUSize capacity, ZyanMemberProcedure destructor)¶
Initializes the given ZyanVector instance.
element_size The size of a single element in bytes.
capacity The initial capacity (number of elements).
destructor A destructor callback that is invoked every time an item is deleted, or ZYAN_NULL if not needed.
The memory for the vector elements is dynamically allocated by the default allocator using the default growth factor and the default shrink threshold.
Finalization with ZyanVectorDestroy is required for all instances created by this function.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInitCustomBuffer (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize element_size, void * buffer, ZyanUSize capacity, ZyanMemberProcedure destructor)¶
Initializes the given ZyanVector instance and configures it to use a custom user defined buffer with a fixed size.
element_size The size of a single element in bytes.
buffer A pointer to the buffer that is used as storage for the elements.
capacity The maximum capacity (number of elements) of the buffer.
destructor A destructor callback that is invoked every time an item is deleted, or ZYAN_NULL if not needed.
Finalization is not required for instances created by this function.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInitEx (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize element_size, ZyanUSize capacity, ZyanMemberProcedure destructor, ZyanAllocator * allocator, ZyanU8 growth_factor, ZyanU8 shrink_threshold)¶
Initializes the given ZyanVector instance and sets a custom allocator and memory allocation/deallocation parameters.
element_size The size of a single element in bytes.
capacity The initial capacity (number of elements).
destructor A destructor callback that is invoked every time an item is deleted, or ZYAN_NULL if not needed.
allocator A pointer to a ZyanAllocator instance.
growth_factor The growth factor.
shrink_threshold The shrink threshold.
A growth factor of 1 disables overallocation and a shrink threshold of 0 disables dynamic shrinking.
Finalization with ZyanVectorDestroy is required for all instances created by this function.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInsert (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index, const void * element)¶
Inserts an element at the given index of the vector.
index The insert index.
element A pointer to the element to insert.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorInsertRange (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index, const void * elements, ZyanUSize count)¶
Inserts multiple elements at the given index of the vector.
index The insert index.
elements A pointer to the first element.
count The number of elements to insert.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorPopBack (ZyanVector * vector)¶
Removes the last element of the vector.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorPushBack (ZyanVector * vector, const void * element)¶
Adds a new element to the end of the vector.
element A pointer to the element to add.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorReserve (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize capacity)¶
Changes the capacity of the given ZyanVector instance.
capacity The new minimum capacity of the vector.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorResize (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize size)¶
Resizes the given ZyanVector instance.
size The new size of the vector.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorResizeEx (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize size, const void * initializer)¶
Resizes the given ZyanVector instance.
size The new size of the vector.
initializer A pointer to a value to be used as initializer for new items.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorSet (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index, const void * value)¶
Assigns a new value to the element at the given index.
index The value index.
value The value to assign.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorShrinkToFit (ZyanVector * vector)¶
Shrinks the capacity of the given vector to match it's size.
ZYCORE_EXPORT ZyanStatus ZyanVectorSwapElements (ZyanVector * vector, ZyanUSize index_first, ZyanUSize index_second)¶
Swaps the element at index_first with the element at index_second.
index_first The index of the first element.
index_second The index of the second element.
This function requires the vector to have spare capacity for one temporary element. Call ZyanVectorReserve before this function to increase capacity, if needed.
Generated automatically by Doxygen for Zycore from the source code.
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