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lrc(1) lrc(1)


lrc - Check licenses listed in a DEP-5 debian/copyright file
against licenses reported by licensecheck.




Use -h or -? to display detailed description.


Options are case-insensitive. Invalid options are ignored.

-? -h or --help Writes the ReadMe file to stdout.
-l or --long

Output is generated for every file where licensecheck detects the license,
not just those with license discrepancies.

-s or --struct Structured output.

Outputs the debian/copyright licence, licensecheck license,
and filename on three separate lines, followed by one blank line.
Headers and summary lines are suppressed.
Version info is not output unless specified via -v option.

-t or --terse

Where blocks of files with identical license differences would be output,
only the first file is shown. Overrides -l (if specified)

-v or --version

Writes the version numbers of licenserecon and licenscheck to stdout, then exits

-x or --spdx

Expects SPDX style license short names. (Default is debian DEP 5 short names)


False positives may suppressed by creating a file debian/lrc.config
List in the file, the file names and/or directories to be excluded.
The syntax for the file is described in /usr/share/lrc/lrc.config


Peter Blackman <>


licensecheck (1)

1 2024-02-14