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MAKEPKG(8) Pacman Manual MAKEPKG(8)


makepkg - package build utility


makepkg [options] [ENVVAR=value] [ENVVAR+=value] ...


makepkg is a script to automate the building of packages. The requirements for using the script are a build-capable *nix platform and a custom build script for each package you wish to build (known as a PKGBUILD). See PKGBUILD(5) for details on creating your own build scripts.

The advantage to a script-based build is that the work is only done once. Once you have the build script for a package, makepkg will do the rest: download and validate source files, check dependencies, configure the build-time settings, build the package, install the package into a temporary root, make customizations, generate meta-info, and package the whole thing up for pacman to use.


makepkg uses your current locale by default and does not unset it when building packages. If you wish to share your build output with others when seeking help or for other purposes, you may wish to run "LC_ALL=C makepkg" so your logs and output are not localized.


-A, --ignorearch

Ignore a missing or incomplete arch field in the build script. This is for rebuilding packages from source when the PKGBUILD may be slightly outdated and not updated with an arch=('yourarch') field.

-c, --clean

Clean up leftover work files and directories after a successful build.

--config <file>

Use an alternate configuration file instead of the /etc/makepkg.conf default.

-d, --nodeps

Do not perform any dependency checks. This will let you override and ignore any dependencies required. There is a good chance this option will break the build process if all of the dependencies are not installed.

-e, --noextract

Do not extract source files or run the prepare() function (if present); use whatever source already exists in the $srcdir/ directory. This is handy if you want to go into $srcdir/ and manually patch or tweak code, then make a package out of the result. Keep in mind that creating a patch may be a better solution to allow others to use your PKGBUILD.


For each source file in the source array of PKGBUILD, download the file if required and perform the integrity checks. No extraction or build is performed. Dependencies specified in the PKGBUILD will not be handled unless --syncdeps is used. Useful for performing subsequent offline builds.

-f, --force

makepkg will not build a package if a built package already exists in the PKGDEST (set in makepkg.conf(5)) directory, which may default to the current directory. This allows the built package to be overwritten.

-g, --geninteg

For each source file in the source array of PKGBUILD, download the file if required and generate integrity checks. The integrity checks generated are determined by the checks present in the PKGBUILD, falling back to the value of the INTEGRITY_CHECK array in makepkg.conf(5) if these are absent. This output can be redirected into your PKGBUILD for source validation using "makepkg -g >> PKGBUILD".


Do not perform any integrity checks (checksum and PGP) on source files.


Do not verify checksums of source files.


Do not verify PGP signatures of source files.

-h, --help

Output syntax and command line options.


When using VCS sources (PKGBUILD(5)) any currently checked out source will not be updated to the latest revision.

-i, --install

Install or upgrade the package after a successful build using pacman(8).

-L, --log

Enable logging. This will use the tee program to send the output of each of the PKGBUILD functions to both the console and to a text file in the build directory named pkgbase-pkgver-pkgrel-arch-<function>.log. As mentioned above, the logs will be localized so you may want to set your locale accordingly if sharing the log output with others.

-m, --nocolor

Disable color in output messages.

-o, --nobuild

Download and extract files, run the prepare() function, but do not build them. Useful with the --noextract option if you wish to tweak the files in $srcdir/ before building.

-p <buildscript>

Read the package script buildscript instead of the PKGBUILD default; see PKGBUILD(5). The buildscript must be located in the directory makepkg is called from.

-r, --rmdeps

Upon successful build, remove any dependencies installed by makepkg during dependency auto-resolution and installation when using -s.

-R, --repackage

Repackage contents of the package without rebuilding the package. This is useful if you forgot, for example, a dependency or install file in your PKGBUILD and the build itself will not change.

-s, --syncdeps

Install missing dependencies using pacman. When build-time or run-time dependencies are not found, pacman will try to resolve them. If successful, the missing packages will be downloaded and installed.

-S, --source

Do not actually build the package, but build a source-only tarball that does not include sources that can be fetched via a download URL. This is useful for passing a single tarball to another program such as a chroot, remote builder, or a tarball upload. Because integrity checks are verified, all source files of the package need to be present or downloadable.

-V, --version

Display version information.

-C, --cleanbuild

Clean build artifacts from previous runs of makepkg in the current directory by removing $srcdir before building the package.

-D <dir>, --dir <dir>

Change to directory <dir> before reading the PKGBUILD or doing anything else.


Do not actually build the package, but build a source-only tarball that includes all sources, including those that are normally downloaded via makepkg. This is useful for passing a single tarball to another program such as a chroot or remote builder. It will also satisfy requirements of the GPL when distributing binary packages.


Run the check() function in the PKGBUILD, overriding the setting in makepkg.conf(5).


Do not create the archive at the end of the build process. This can be useful to test the package() function or if your target distribution does not use pacman.


Do not run the check() function in the PKGBUILD or handle the checkdepends.


Do not run the prepare() function in the PKGBUILD.


Do not run the verify() function in the PKGBUILD.


Sign the resulting package with gpg, overriding the setting in makepkg.conf(5).


Do not create a signature for the built package.

--key <key>

Specify a key to use when signing packages, overriding the GPGKEY setting in makepkg.conf(5). If not specified in either location, the default key from the keyring will be used.


(Passed to pacman) Prevent pacman from waiting for user input before proceeding with operations.


(Passed to pacman) Tell pacman not to reinstall a target if it is already up-to-date. (used with -i / --install).


(Passed to pacman) Install packages as non-explicitly installed (used with -i / --install).


(Passed to pacman) Prevent pacman from displaying a progress bar; useful if you are redirecting makepkg output to file.


List the package filenames that would be produced without building. Listed package filenames include PKGDEST and PKGEXT.


Generate and print the SRCINFO file to stdout.


makepkg supports building development versions of packages without having to manually update the pkgver in the PKGBUILD. This was formerly done using the separate utility versionpkg. See PKGBUILD(5) for details on how to set up a development PKGBUILD.


makepkg is designed to be compatible with Reproducible Builds. If the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable is set, it will be exported to subprocesses, and source and package file modification times and package metadata will be unified based on the timestamp specified.

If the SOURCE_DATE_EPOCH environment variable is not set, makepkg will use its own start date for internal use, but will not unify source file timestamps before building.



Use an alternative libmakepkg path instead of the /usr/share/makepkg default.


The command that will be used to check for missing dependencies and to install and remove packages. Pacman’s -Qq, -Rns, -S, -T, and -U operations must be supported by this command. If the variable is not set or empty, makepkg will fall back to ‘pacman’.


Use an alternate config file instead of the /etc/makepkg.conf default.


Directory where the resulting packages will be stored. Overrides the corresponding value defined in makepkg.conf(5).


Directory where the downloaded sources will be stored. Overrides the corresponding value defined in makepkg.conf(5).


Directory where source package files will be stored. Overrides the corresponding value defined in makepkg.conf(5).


Directory where generated log files will be stored. Overrides the corresponding value defined in makepkg.conf(5).

PACKAGER="John Doe <>"

String to identify the creator of the resulting package. Overrides the corresponding value defined in makepkg.conf(5).


Directory where the package will be built. Overrides the corresponding value defined in makepkg.conf(5).


Force build for a specific architecture. Useful for cross-compiling. Overrides the corresponding value defined in makepkg.conf(5).

PKGEXT=".pkg.tar.gz", SRCEXT=".src.tar.gz"

Sets the compression used when making compiled or source packages. Overrides the corresponding value defined in makepkg.conf(5).


Directory where the gpg keyring for signing the built package is stored.


Specify a key to use when signing packages, overriding the GPGKEY setting in makepkg.conf(5).


Used for Reproducible Builds.


The name of a tool ecosystem used to set up the build environment. Used for defining a spec for reproducible builds, e.g. the makepkg.conf(5) used.


The version of the $BUILDTOOL used.

MAKEPKG_LINT_PKGBUILD=0 Setting to 0 disables PKGBUILD linting within makepkg. Useful on systems with slow bash subshell operations, or on PKGBUILDs with extreme amounts of package splitting.


See makepkg.conf(5) for more details on configuring makepkg using the makepkg.conf file.


On exit, makepkg will return one of the following error codes.


Normal exit condition.


Unknown cause of failure.


Error in configuration file.


User specified an invalid option.


Error in user-supplied function in PKGBUILD.


Failed to create a viable package.


A source or auxiliary file specified in the PKGBUILD is missing.


The PKGDIR is missing.


Failed to install dependencies.


Failed to remove dependencies.


User attempted to run makepkg as root.


User lacks permissions to build or install to a given location.


Error parsing PKGBUILD.


A package has already been built.


The package failed to install.


Programs necessary to run makepkg are missing.


Specified GPG key does not exist or failed to sign package.


The local repository is not a clone of the source repository specified in PKGBUILD.


makepkg.conf(5), PKGBUILD(5), pacman(8)

See the pacman website at for current information on pacman and its related tools.


Bugs? You must be kidding; there are no bugs in this software. But if we happen to be wrong, please report them to the issue tracker at with specific information such as your command-line, the nature of the bug, and even the package database if it helps.


Current maintainers:

•Allan McRae <>

•Andrew Gregory <>

•Morgan Adamiec <>

Past major contributors:

•Judd Vinet <>

•Aurelien Foret <>

•Aaron Griffin <>

•Dan McGee <>

•Xavier Chantry <>

•Nagy Gabor <>

•Dave Reisner <>

•Eli Schwartz <>

For additional contributors, use git shortlog -s on the pacman.git repository.

2025-01-20 Pacman 7.0.0