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mcRUN(1) mcRUN(1)


mcrun - Running mcstas simulations from the command-line


mcrun [-cpnN] INSTR [-sndftgahi] params={val|min,max|min,guess,max}... [-hB][-c CMD][-f FROM][-n NAME][-o DIR][-s SCRIPT]


The mcrun front-end provides a convenient command-line interface for running simulations with the same automatic compilation features. It also provides a facility for running a series of simulations while varying an input parameter, as well as a multiparameter non-linear optimisation. The command mcrun sim args ... will compile the instrument definition INSTR e.g. sim.instr (if necessary) into an executable simulation sim.out. It will then run sim.out, passing the argument list args usually given as a series of param=value pairs. The -h option will list valid options.


show program’s version number and exit
show this help message and exit
force rebuilding of instrument. This may be needed in case any component definitions are changed (in which case mcrun does not automatically recompile), or if a new version of mcstas has been installed.
Append path I to McCode search path (implies -c)
Set extra -D args (implies -c)
Set extra -D args (implies -c)
Set extra -D args (implies -c)
Read parameters from file FILE The file should consist of specifications of the form name =value separated by spaces or line breaks. Multiple -p options may be given together with direct parameter specifications on the command line. If a parameter is assigned multiple times, later assignments override previous ones.
Set number of scan points, varying one or more parameters within specified intervals. Such a series of simulations is called a scan. To specify an interval for a parameter X, it should be assigned two values separated by a comma. For example, the command mcrun sim.instr -N4 X=2,8 Y=1 would run the simulation defined in sim.instr four times, with X having the values 2, 4, 6, and 8, respectively. After running the simulation, the results will be written to the file mccode.dat by default. This file contains one line for each simulation run giving the values of the scanned input variables along with the integrated intensity and estimated error in all monitors
Use a fixed list of points for linear scanning
Run a multi-dimensional scan
Open plotter on generated dataset
Specify the plotter used with –autoplot
Store copy of instrument file in output directory
Spread simulation over NB_CPU machines using MPI
parallelize using openacc
funneling simulation flow, e.g. for mixed CPU/GPU
Defines path of MPI machinefile to use in parallel mode
Store scan results in FILE (defaults to: “mccode.dat”)
Disable optimising compiler flags for faster compilation
Do not generate a main(), e.g. for use with Implies -c
Enable verbose output
Generate a user config file
Load config file from specific dir
Optimize instrument variable parameters to maximize monitors
Maximum number of optimization iterations to perform
Tolerance for optimization termination. When optimizetol is specified, the selected optimization algorithm sets some rele‐ vant solver-specific tolerance(s) equal to optimize-tol
Optimization solver in ['powell', 'nelder-mead', 'cg', 'bfgs', 'newton-cg', 'l-bfgs-b', 'tnc', 'cobyla', 'slsqp', 'trust-con‐ str', 'dogleg', 'trust-ncg', 'trust-exact', 'trust-krylov'] (de‐ fault: powell) You can use your custom method method(fun, x0, args, **kwargs, **options). Please refer to scipy documentation for proper use of it: https://docs.scipy .org/doc/scipy/refer‐ ence/generated/ mize.html?highlight=minimize
Choose to minimize the monitors instead of maximize
Name of a single monitor to optimize (default is to use all)
Print selected cfg item and exit (paths are resolved and abso‐ lute). Allowed values are “bindir”, “libdir”, “resourcedir”, and “tooldir”.


Set random seed (must be: SEED != 0)
Set number of neutron to simulate
Enable trace of neutron through instrument
Put all data files in directory DIR. Additionally, the directory will have subdirectories 1, 2, 3,. . . containing all data files output from the different simulations.
Output data files using format FORMAT, usually McCode or NeXus (format list obtained from .out -h)
Monitor_nD list/buffer-size (defaults to 1000000)
vector length in OpenACC parallel scenarios
number of `gangs' in OpenACC parallel scenarios
Maximum particles in an OpenACC kernel run. (If INNERLOOP is smaller than ncount we repeat)
Do not write any data files
Detailed instrument information
Print the instrument parameters to standard out
Print all metadata defining component names
Print metadata names for component, or indicate if component:name exists.
Print metadata type for component:name
Print metadata for component:name


/usr/share/mcstas/resources /usr/share/mcstas/tools/Python/mccodelib/mccode_config.json ~/.mcstas/mccode_config.json


mcrun Test_SX.instr -d output_dir -n 1e7 TTH=13.4


mcstas Team (


mcstas(1), mcdoc(1), mcplot(1), mcrun(1), mcgui(1), mcdisplay(1)


MCSTAS neutron Ray Tracing Team.
