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mfsmetalogger.cfg(5) This is part of MooseFS mfsmetalogger.cfg(5)


mfsmetalogger.cfg - configuration file for mfsmetalogger


The file mfsmetalogger.cfg contains configuration of MooseFS metalogger process.


Syntax is:

Lines starting with # character are ignored as comments.


Changes in this section require process restart.

user to run daemon as
group to run daemon as (optional - if empty then default user group will be used)
name of process to place in syslog messages (default is mfsmetalogger)
whether to perform mlockall() to avoid swapping out mfsmetalogger process (default is 0, i.e. no)
limit malloc arenas to given value - prevents server from using huge amount of virtual memory (Linux only, default is 4)
disable out of memory killer (Linux only, default is 1)
nice level to run daemon with (default is -19 if possible; note: process must be started as root to increase priority)
set default umask for group and others; user has always 0; default is 027 - block write for group and block all for others
where to store metadata files


Changes in this section require only process reload.

number of metadata change log files (default is 50)
number of previous metadata files to be kept (default is 3)
metadata download frequency in hours (default is 24, at most BACK_LOGS/2)
minimum level of messages that will be reported by matalogger; levels in order of importance: ERROR, WARNING, NOTICE, INFO, DEBUG (default is INFO)
reported messages of level lower than set by this option will be elevated to this level (i.e. if SYSLOG_MIN_LEVEL is set to DEBUG and SYSLOG_ELEVATE_TO is set to NOTICE, all INFO and DEBUG messages will be sent to syslog as NOTICE ; default is NOTICE)


Changes in this section require only process reload.

delay in seconds before trying to reconnect to master after disconnection (default is 5)
local address to use for master connections; default is *, i.e. default local address
address of MooseFS master host to connect with (default is mfsmaster)
number of MooseFS master port to connect with (default is 9419)
timeout (in seconds) for master connections (default is 10)


Copyright (C) 2025 Jakub Kruszona-Zawadzki, Saglabs SA

This file is part of MooseFS.

MooseFS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, version 2 (only).

MooseFS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with MooseFS; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02111-1301, USA or visit



February 2025 MooseFS 4.57.5-1