table of contents
mupdf-gl -
The OpenGL based viewer can read PDF, XPS, CBZ, EPUB, & FB2 documents as well as typical image formats including SVG. It compiles on any platform that has a GLUTlibrary. The latest release builds on Linux, Windows, and MacOS.
mupdf-gl [options] document [page]
- -p password
- The password needed to open a password protected PDF file.
- -c
- Load an ICC profile to use for display (default is sRGB).
- -r resolution
- Set the initial zoom level, specified as DPI. The default value is 72.
- -W width
- Set the page width in points for EPUB layout.
- -H height
- Set the page height in points for EPUB layout.
- -S size
- Set the default font size in points for EPUB layout.
- -U stylesheet
- Specify a CSS file containing user styles to load for EPUB layout.
- -X
- Ignore publisher styles for EPUB layout.
- -J
- Disable JavaScript in PDF forms.
- -A level
- Set anti-aliasing level or pixel rendering rule.
- 0: off.
- 2: 4 levels.
- 4: 16 levels.
- 8: 256 levels.
- 9: using centre of pixel rule.
- 10: using any part of a pixel rule.
- -I
- Start in inverted color mode.
- -B hex-color
- Set black tint color (default 303030).
- -C hex-color
- Set white tint color (default FFFFF0).
- -Y factor
- Set UI scaling factor (default calculated from screen DPI).
- [page]
- The initial page number to show.
Example usage #1:
This will open the viewer with a file browser which allows you to choose the file you need.
Example usage #1:
This will open a specific file, in inverted color mode, on page 10.
mupdf-gl -I mupdf_explored.pdf 10
The middle mouse button (scroll wheel button) pans the document view.
The right mouse button selects a region and copies the marked text to the clipboard.
Several commands can take a number argument entered before the key, to modify the command. For example, to zoom to 150 dpi, type "150z".
F1 | Display help. |
i | Show document information. |
o | Show document outline. |
L | Highlight links. |
F | Highlight form fields. |
a | Show annotation editor. |
r | Reload document. |
S | Save document (only for PDF). |
q | Quit viewer. |
< | Decrease E-book font size. |
> | Increase E-book font size. |
I | Toggle inverted color mode. |
C | Toggle tinted color mode. |
E | Toggle ICC color management. |
e | Toggle spot color emulation. |
A | Toggle anti-aliasing. |
f | Toggle fullscreen. |
w | Shrinkwrap window to fit page. |
W | Fit page width to window. |
H | Fit page height to window. |
Z | Fit page size to window. |
[number] z | Set zoom resolution in DPI. |
+ | Zoom in. |
- | Zoom out. |
[ | Rotate counter-clockwise. |
] | Rotate clockwise. |
⬅️➡️⬆️⬇️ or h, j, k, l | Pan page in small increments. |
b | Smart move one screenful backward. |
[space] | Smart move one screenful forward. |
[comma] or [page up] | Go one page backward. |
[period] or [page down] | Go one page forward. |
[number] g | Go to page number. |
G | Go to last page. |
m | Save current page to navigation history. |
t | Go back in navigation history. |
T | Go forward in navigation history. |
[number] m | Save current page in numbered bookmark. |
[number] t | Go to numbered bookmark. |
/ | Start searching forward. |
? | Start searching backward. |
n | Continue searching forward. |
N | Continue searching backward. |