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insstr(3NCURSES) Library calls insstr(3NCURSES)


insstr, winsstr, mvinsstr, mvinsnstr, insnstr, winsnstr, mvwinsstr, mvwinsnstr - insert a string in a curses window


#include <curses.h>
int insstr(const char * str);
int winsstr(WINDOW * win, const char * str);
int mvinsstr(int y, int x, const char * str);
int mvwinsstr(WINDOW * win, int y, int x, const char * str);
int insnstr(const char * str, int n);
int winsnstr(WINDOW * win, const char * str, int n);
int mvinsnstr(int y, int x, const char * str, int n);
int mvwinsnstr(WINDOW * win, int y, int x, const char * str,

int n);


winsstr inserts a string str before the character at the cursor in window win as if by calling winsch(3NCURSES) for each char in str. No line wrapping is performed. Characters to the right of the cursor are shifted right; those at the right edge of the window may be lost. winsstr stops inserting if it would have to wrap to the next line to write the next char in str. The cursor position does not change (after moving to (y, x), if specified). insnstr does the same, but inserts at most n characters, or as many as possible (up to the end of the line) if n is negative. ncurses(3NCURSES) describes the variants of these functions.


These functions return OK on success and ERR on failure.

In ncurses, they return ERR if

  • win is NULL,
  • str is NULL, or
  • an internal winsch(3NCURSES) call returns ERR.

Functions prefixed with “mv” first perform cursor movement and fail if the position (y, x) is outside the window boundaries.


All of these functions except winsnstr may be implemented as macros.


insnstr, winsnstr, mvinsnstr, and mvwinsnstr's acceptance of negative n values is an ncurses extension.


Applications employing ncurses extensions should condition their use on the visibility of the NCURSES_VERSION preprocessor macro.

X/Open Curses Issue 4 describes these functions. It specifies no error conditions for them.

SVr4 describes a successful return value only as “an integer value other than ERR”.

Issue 4 distinguished insnstr and winsnstr from the other functions documented above by stating they “do not perform wrapping”. This was probably an error, since it makes this group of functions inconsistent. No implementation of curses manifests this inconsistency, and Issue 7 removed the claim.

Issue 4 states that the entire string is inserted if n is less than 1. This is probably an error, because it is inconsistent with other functions such as waddstr, and differs from the SVr4 curses and Solaris xcurses implementations. Nevertheless, Issue 7 retains the language.


SVr3.1 (1987) introduced winsstr and winsnstr and their variants.


ins_wstr(3NCURSES) describes comparable functions of the ncurses library in its wide-character configuration (ncursesw).

ncurses(3NCURSES), inch(3NCURSES), ins_wstr(3NCURSES), util(3NCURSES)

2025-02-01 ncurses 6.5