table of contents
threads(3NCURSES) | Library calls | threads(3NCURSES) |
NCURSES_WINDOW_CB, NCURSES_SCREEN_CB, get_escdelay, set_escdelay, set_tabsize, use_screen, use_window - curses support for multi-threaded applications
#include <curses.h>
/* data types */ typedef int (*NCURSES_WINDOW_CB)(WINDOW *, void *); typedef int (*NCURSES_SCREEN_CB)(SCREEN *, void *);
int get_escdelay(void); int set_escdelay(int ms); int set_tabsize(int cols);
int use_screen(SCREEN *scr, NCURSES_SCREEN_CB func, void *data); int use_window(WINDOW *win, NCURSES_WINDOW_CB func, void *data);
The ncurses library can be configured to support multi-threaded applications in a rudimentary way. Such configuration produces a different set of libraries, named libncursest, for example, since doing so alters ncurses's application binary interface (ABI).
Instead of modifying the programming interface (API) to make ncurses functions expect an additional argument specifying a thread, the library adds functions, usable in any configuration, that hide the mutexes (mutual exclusion locks) needed to prevent concurrent access to variables shared by multiple threads of execution.
ncurses threading support requires the use of functions to access members of the WINDOW structure (see opaque(3NCURSES)). It further makes functions of the common global variables COLORS, COLOR_PAIRS, COLS, ESCDELAY, LINES, TABSIZE, curscr, newscr, and ttytype, maintaining them as read-only values in the SCREEN structure.
Even this is not enough to make an application using curses thread-safe. We would expect a multi-threaded application to have threads updating separate windows (on the same device), and separate screens (on different devices). Further, applications expect a few of the global variables to be writable. The functions described here address these special situations.
The ESCDELAY and TABSIZE global variables are modified by some applications. To modify them in any configuration, use the set_escdelay or set_tabsize functions. Other global variables are not modifiable. get_escdelay retrieves ESCDELAY's value.
The use_window and use_screen functions provide coarse-grained mutexes for their respective WINDOW and SCREEN parameters; they call a user-supplied function, pass it a data parameter, and return the value from the user-supplied function to the application.
All ncurses library functions assume that the locale is not altered during operation. In addition, they use data that is maintained within a hierarchy of scopes.
- global data used in the low-level terminfo or termcap interfaces
- terminal data associated with a call to set_curterm(3NCURSES)
- Terminal data are initialized when screens are created.
- screen data associated with a call to newterm(3NCURSES) or initscr(3NCURSES)
- window data associated with a call to newwin(3NCURSES) or subwin(3NCURSES)
- Windows are associated with screens. Pads are not necessarily associated with any particular screen.
- Most curses applications operate on one or more windows within a single screen.
- •
- reentrant data associated with “pure” functions that alter no shared variables
The following table lists the scope of each symbol in the ncurses library when configured to support multi-threaded applications.
Symbol | Scope |
BC | global |
COLORS | screen (read-only) |
COLOR_PAIR | reentrant |
COLOR_PAIRS | screen (read-only) |
COLS | screen (read-only) |
ESCDELAY | screen (read-only; see set_escdelay) |
LINES | screen (read-only) |
PAIR_NUMBER | reentrant |
PC | global |
SP | global |
TABSIZE | screen (read-only; see set_tabsize) |
UP | global |
acs_map | screen (read-only) |
add_wch | window (stdscr) |
add_wchnstr | window (stdscr) |
add_wchstr | window (stdscr) |
addch | window (stdscr) |
addchnstr | window (stdscr) |
addchstr | window (stdscr) |
addnstr | window (stdscr) |
addnwstr | window (stdscr) |
addstr | window (stdscr) |
addwstr | window (stdscr) |
assume_default_colors | screen |
attr_get | window (stdscr) |
attr_off | window (stdscr) |
attr_on | window (stdscr) |
attr_set | window (stdscr) |
attroff | window (stdscr) |
attron | window (stdscr) |
attrset | window (stdscr) |
baudrate | screen |
beep | screen |
bkgd | window (stdscr) |
bkgdset | window (stdscr) |
bkgrnd | window (stdscr) |
bkgrndset | window (stdscr) |
boolcodes | global (read-only) |
boolfnames | global (read-only) |
boolnames | global (read-only) |
border | window (stdscr) |
border_set | window (stdscr) |
box | window (stdscr) |
box_set | window (stdscr) |
can_change_color | terminal |
cbreak | screen |
chgat | window (stdscr) |
clear | window (stdscr) |
clearok | window |
clrtobot | window (stdscr) |
clrtoeol | window (stdscr) |
color_content | screen |
color_set | window (stdscr) |
copywin | window (locks source, target) |
cur_term | terminal |
curs_set | screen |
curscr | screen (read-only) |
curses_version | global (read-only) |
def_prog_mode | terminal |
def_shell_mode | terminal |
define_key | screen |
del_curterm | screen |
delay_output | screen |
delch | window (stdscr) |
deleteln | window (stdscr) |
delscreen | global (locks screen list, screen) |
delwin | global (locks window list) |
derwin | screen |
doupdate | screen |
dupwin | screen (locks window) |
echo | screen |
echo_wchar | window (stdscr) |
echochar | window (stdscr) |
endwin | screen |
erase | window (stdscr) |
erasechar | window (stdscr) |
erasewchar | window (stdscr) |
filter | global |
flash | terminal |
flushinp | screen |
get_wch | screen (input operation) |
get_wstr | screen (input operation) |
getattrs | window |
getbegx | window |
getbegy | window |
getbkgd | window |
getbkgrnd | window |
getcchar | reentrant |
getch | screen (input operation) |
getcurx | window |
getcury | window |
getmaxx | window |
getmaxy | window |
getmouse | screen (input operation) |
getn_wstr | screen (input operation) |
getnstr | screen (input operation) |
getparx | window |
getpary | window |
getstr | screen (input operation) |
getwin | screen (input operation) |
halfdelay | screen |
has_colors | terminal |
has_ic | terminal |
has_il | terminal |
has_key | screen |
hline | window (stdscr) |
hline_set | window (stdscr) |
idcok | window |
idlok | window |
immedok | window |
in_wch | window (stdscr) |
in_wchnstr | window (stdscr) |
in_wchstr | window (stdscr) |
inch | window (stdscr) |
inchnstr | window (stdscr) |
inchstr | window (stdscr) |
init_color | screen |
init_pair | screen |
initscr | global (locks screen list) |
innstr | window (stdscr) |
innwstr | window (stdscr) |
ins_nwstr | window (stdscr) |
ins_wch | window (stdscr) |
ins_wstr | window (stdscr) |
insch | window (stdscr) |
insdelln | window (stdscr) |
insertln | window (stdscr) |
insnstr | window (stdscr) |
insstr | window (stdscr) |
instr | window (stdscr) |
intrflush | terminal |
inwstr | window (stdscr) |
is_cleared | window |
is_idcok | window |
is_idlok | window |
is_immedok | window |
is_keypad | window |
is_leaveok | window |
is_linetouched | window |
is_nodelay | window |
is_notimeout | window |
is_scrollok | window |
is_syncok | window |
is_term_resized | terminal |
is_wintouched | window |
isendwin | screen |
key_defined | screen |
key_name | global (static data) |
keybound | screen |
keyname | global (static data) |
keyok | screen |
keypad | window |
killchar | terminal |
killwchar | terminal |
leaveok | window |
longname | screen |
mcprint | terminal |
meta | screen |
mouse_trafo | window (stdscr) |
mouseinterval | screen |
mousemask | screen |
move | window (stdscr) |
mvadd_wch | window (stdscr) |
mvadd_wchnstr | window (stdscr) |
mvadd_wchstr | window (stdscr) |
mvaddch | window (stdscr) |
mvaddchnstr | window (stdscr) |
mvaddchstr | window (stdscr) |
mvaddnstr | window (stdscr) |
mvaddnwstr | window (stdscr) |
mvaddstr | window (stdscr) |
mvaddwstr | window (stdscr) |
mvchgat | window (stdscr) |
mvcur | screen |
mvdelch | window (stdscr) |
mvderwin | window (stdscr) |
mvget_wch | screen (input operation) |
mvget_wstr | screen (input operation) |
mvgetch | screen (input operation) |
mvgetn_wstr | screen (input operation) |
mvgetnstr | screen (input operation) |
mvgetstr | screen (input operation) |
mvhline | window (stdscr) |
mvhline_set | window (stdscr) |
mvin_wch | window (stdscr) |
mvin_wchnstr | window (stdscr) |
mvin_wchstr | window (stdscr) |
mvinch | window (stdscr) |
mvinchnstr | window (stdscr) |
mvinchstr | window (stdscr) |
mvinnstr | window (stdscr) |
mvinnwstr | window (stdscr) |
mvins_nwstr | window (stdscr) |
mvins_wch | window (stdscr) |
mvins_wstr | window (stdscr) |
mvinsch | window (stdscr) |
mvinsnstr | window (stdscr) |
mvinsstr | window (stdscr) |
mvinstr | window (stdscr) |
mvinwstr | window (stdscr) |
mvprintw | window (stdscr) |
mvscanw | screen |
mvvline | window (stdscr) |
mvvline_set | window (stdscr) |
mvwadd_wch | window |
mvwadd_wchnstr | window |
mvwadd_wchstr | window |
mvwaddch | window |
mvwaddchnstr | window |
mvwaddchstr | window |
mvwaddnstr | window |
mvwaddnwstr | window |
mvwaddstr | window |
mvwaddwstr | window |
mvwchgat | window |
mvwdelch | window |
mvwget_wch | screen (input operation) |
mvwget_wstr | screen (input operation) |
mvwgetch | screen (input operation) |
mvwgetn_wstr | screen (input operation) |
mvwgetnstr | screen (input operation) |
mvwgetstr | screen (input operation) |
mvwhline | window |
mvwhline_set | window |
mvwin | window |
mvwin_wch | window |
mvwin_wchnstr | window |
mvwin_wchstr | window |
mvwinch | window |
mvwinchnstr | window |
mvwinchstr | window |
mvwinnstr | window |
mvwinnwstr | window |
mvwins_nwstr | window |
mvwins_wch | window |
mvwins_wstr | window |
mvwinsch | window |
mvwinsnstr | window |
mvwinsstr | window |
mvwinstr | window |
mvwinwstr | window |
mvwprintw | window |
mvwscanw | screen |
mvwvline | window |
mvwvline_set | window |
napms | reentrant |
newpad | global (locks window list) |
newscr | screen (read-only) |
newterm | global (locks screen list) |
newwin | global (locks window list) |
nl | screen |
nocbreak | screen |
nodelay | window |
noecho | screen |
nofilter | global |
nonl | screen |
noqiflush | terminal |
noraw | screen |
notimeout | window |
numcodes | global (read-only) |
numfnames | global (read-only) |
numnames | global (read-only) |
ospeed | global |
overlay | window (locks source, target) |
overwrite | window (locks source, target) |
pair_content | screen |
pecho_wchar | screen |
pechochar | screen |
pnoutrefresh | screen |
prefresh | screen |
printw | window |
putp | global |
putwin | window |
qiflush | terminal |
raw | screen |
redrawwin | window |
refresh | screen |
reset_prog_mode | screen |
reset_shell_mode | screen |
resetty | terminal |
resize_term | screen (locks window list) |
resizeterm | screen |
restartterm | screen |
ripoffline | global (static data) |
savetty | terminal |
scanw | screen |
scr_dump | screen |
scr_init | screen |
scr_restore | screen |
scr_set | screen |
scrl | window (stdscr) |
scroll | window |
scrollok | window |
set_curterm | screen |
set_escdelay | screen |
set_tabsize | screen |
set_term | global (locks screen list, screen) |
setcchar | reentrant |
setscrreg | window (stdscr) |
setupterm | global |
slk_attr | screen |
slk_attr_off | screen |
slk_attr_on | screen |
slk_attr_set | screen |
slk_attroff | screen |
slk_attron | screen |
slk_attrset | screen |
slk_clear | screen |
slk_color | screen |
slk_init | screen |
slk_label | screen |
slk_noutrefresh | screen |
slk_refresh | screen |
slk_restore | screen |
slk_set | screen |
slk_touch | screen |
slk_wset | screen |
standend | window |
standout | window |
start_color | screen |
stdscr | screen (read-only) |
strcodes | global (read-only) |
strfnames | global (read-only) |
strnames | global (read-only) |
subpad | window |
subwin | window |
syncok | window |
term_attrs | screen |
termattrs | screen |
termname | terminal |
tgetent | global |
tgetflag | global |
tgetnum | global |
tgetstr | global |
tgoto | global |
tigetflag | terminal |
tigetnum | terminal |
tigetstr | terminal |
timeout | window (stdscr) |
touchline | window |
touchwin | window |
tparm | global (static data) |
tputs | screen |
trace | global (static data) |
ttytype | screen (read-only) |
typeahead | screen |
unctrl | screen |
unget_wch | screen (input operation) |
ungetch | screen (input operation) |
ungetmouse | screen (input operation) |
untouchwin | window |
use_default_colors | screen |
use_env | global (static data) |
use_extended_names | global (static data) |
use_legacy_coding | screen |
use_screen | global (locks screen list, screen) |
use_window | global (locks window list, window) |
vid_attr | screen |
vid_puts | screen |
vidattr | screen |
vidputs | screen |
vline | window (stdscr) |
vline_set | window (stdscr) |
vw_printw | window |
vw_scanw | screen |
vwprintw | window |
vwscanw | screen |
wadd_wch | window |
wadd_wchnstr | window |
wadd_wchstr | window |
waddch | window |
waddchnstr | window |
waddchstr | window |
waddnstr | window |
waddnwstr | window |
waddstr | window |
waddwstr | window |
wattr_get | window |
wattr_off | window |
wattr_on | window |
wattr_set | window |
wattroff | window |
wattron | window |
wattrset | window |
wbkgd | window |
wbkgdset | window |
wbkgrnd | window |
wbkgrndset | window |
wborder | window |
wborder_set | window |
wchgat | window |
wclear | window |
wclrtobot | window |
wclrtoeol | window |
wcolor_set | window |
wcursyncup | screen (affects window plus parents) |
wdelch | window |
wdeleteln | window |
wecho_wchar | window |
wechochar | window |
wenclose | window |
werase | window |
wget_wch | screen (input operation) |
wget_wstr | screen (input operation) |
wgetbkgrnd | window |
wgetch | screen (input operation) |
wgetdelay | window |
wgetn_wstr | screen (input operation) |
wgetnstr | screen (input operation) |
wgetparent | window |
wgetscrreg | window |
wgetstr | screen (input operation) |
whline | window |
whline_set | window |
win_wch | window |
win_wchnstr | window |
win_wchstr | window |
winch | window |
winchnstr | window |
winchstr | window |
winnstr | window |
winnwstr | window |
wins_nwstr | window |
wins_wch | window |
wins_wstr | window |
winsch | window |
winsdelln | window |
winsertln | window |
winsnstr | window |
winsstr | window |
winstr | window |
winwstr | window |
wmouse_trafo | window |
wmove | window |
wnoutrefresh | screen |
wprintw | window |
wredrawln | window |
wrefresh | screen |
wresize | window (locks window list) |
wscanw | screen |
wscrl | window |
wsetscrreg | window |
wstandend | window |
wstandout | window |
wsyncdown | screen (affects window plus parents) |
wsyncup | screen (affects window plus parents) |
wtimeout | window |
wtouchln | window |
wunctrl | global (static data) |
wvline | window |
wvline_set | window |
get_escdelay returns the value of ESCDELAY. set_escdelay and set_tabsize return ERR upon failure and OK upon successful completion. use_screen and use_window return the int returned by the user-supplied function they are called with.
ncurses provides both a C function and a preprocessor macro for each function documented in this page.
These routines are specific to ncurses. They were not supported on Version 7, BSD or System V implementations. It is recommended that any code depending on ncurses extensions be conditioned using NCURSES_VERSION.
ncurses(3NCURSES), opaque(3NCURSES), curses_variables(3NCURSES)
2025-02-15 | ncurses 6.5 |