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Syntaxerr(3o) OCaml library Syntaxerr(3o)


Syntaxerr - Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors


Module Syntaxerr


Module Syntaxerr
: sig end

Auxiliary type for reporting syntax errors

Warning: this module is unstable and part of Compiler_libs .

type invalid_package_type =
| Parameterized_types
| Constrained_types
| Private_types
| Not_with_type
| Neither_identifier_nor_with_type

type error =
| Unclosed of Location.t * string * Location.t * string
| Expecting of Location.t * string
| Not_expecting of Location.t * string
| Applicative_path of Location.t
| Variable_in_scope of Location.t * string
| Other of Location.t
| Ill_formed_ast of Location.t * string
| Invalid_package_type of Location.t * invalid_package_type
| Removed_string_set of Location.t

exception Error of error

exception Escape_error

val location_of_error : error -> Location.t

val ill_formed_ast : Location.t -> string -> 'a

2025-01-27 OCamldoc