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papilo - presolver for linear programming problems


papilo presolve [options]
papilo solve [options]
papilo postsolve [options]


instance file
"d" for double precision, "q" for quad precision, and "r" for exact rational arithmetic
filename for postsolve archive
filename for reduced problem
filename for presolve parameter settings
print possible parameters for presolving
set number of threads


instance file
"d" for double precision, "q" for quad precision, and "r" for exact rational arithmetic
filename for postsolve archive
filename for reduced problem
filename for presolve parameter settings
print possible parameters for presolving
set number of threads
filename for solution of reduced problem
filename for solution
filename for dual solution
filename for reduced costs
filename for basis information
correct objective value for validation
SoPlex settings file
time limit for solver (including presolve time)
print detailed solver statistics


instance file
"d" for double precision, "q" for quad precision, and "r" for exact rational arithmetic
filename for postsolve archive
filename for the dual solution of the reduced problem
filename for the reduced costs of the reduced problem
filename for the basis of the reduced problem
filename for solution of reduced problem
filename for solution
filename for dual solution
filename for reduced costs
filename for basis information
correct objective value for validation
optimal solution for validation