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SPI_FNUMBER(3) PostgreSQL 16.4 Documentation SPI_FNUMBER(3)


SPI_fnumber - determine the column number for the specified column name


int SPI_fnumber(TupleDesc rowdesc, const char * colname)


SPI_fnumber returns the column number for the column with the specified name.

If colname refers to a system column (e.g., ctid) then the appropriate negative column number will be returned. The caller should be careful to test the return value for exact equality to SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE to detect an error; testing the result for less than or equal to 0 is not correct unless system columns should be rejected.


TupleDesc rowdesc

input row description

const char * colname

column name


Column number (count starts at 1 for user-defined columns), or SPI_ERROR_NOATTRIBUTE if the named column was not found.

2024 PostgreSQL 16.4