POWERCAP-INFO(1) | powercap-info | POWERCAP-INFO(1) |
powercap-info - get information from the Linux power capping framework
powercap-info [NAME [OPTION]...] [-hv]
Prints configurations for powercap control types.
Output can be filtered by specifying a control type NAME and OPTION flags.
A control type NAME must not be empty or contain a '.' or '/'.
- -h, --help
- Prints the help screen
- -v, --verbose
- Print errors when files cannot be read
- -p, --control-type=NAME
- Deprecated, provide NAME as the first positional argument instead.
All remaining options below require a control type NAME:
- -z, --zone=ZONE(S)
- The zone/subzone numbers in the control type's powercap tree (control
type's root by default). Separate zones/subzones with a colon. E.g., for
zone 0, subzone 2:
-z 0:2
Ending with a colon prevents output for subzones. E.g., for zone 0, but not subzones:
-z 0: - -c, --constraint=CONSTRAINT
- The constraint number
- All remaining options below are mutually exclusive:
- -E, --enabled
- Print control type enabled/disabled status
- -n, --nzones
- Print the number of zones (control type's root by default; within the -z/--zone level, if set)
The following are zone-level arguments and require -z/--zone:
- -N, --nconstraints
- Print the number of zone constraints
- -j, --z-energy
- Print zone energy counter
- -J, --z-max-energy-range
- Print zone maximum energy counter range
- -w, --z-power
- Print zone current power
- -W, --z-max-power-range
- Print zone maximum current power range
- -e, --z-enabled
- Print zone enabled/disabled status
- -x, --z-name
- Print zone name
The following are constraint-level arguments and require -z/--zone and -c/--constraint:
- -l, --c-power-limit
- Print constraint power limit
- -s, --c-time-window
- Print constraint time window
- -U, --c-max-power
- Print constraint maximum allowed power
- -u, --c-min-power
- Print constraint minimum allowed power
- -T, --c-max-time-window
- Print constraint maximum allowed time window
- -t, --c-min-time-window
- Print constraint minimum allowed time window
- -y, --c-name
- Print constraint name
- powercap-info
- Print all zones for all control types.
- powercap-info intel-rapl
- Print all zones for the intel-rapl control type.
- powercap-info intel-rapl -z 0
- Print only zone 0 for the intel-rapl control type.
- powercap-info intel-rapl -z 0:1
- Print zone 0, subzone 1 for the intel-rapl control type.
- powercap-info intel-rapl -z 0 -c 1
- Print zone 0, constraint 1 for the intel-rapl control type.
- powercap-info intel-rapl -z 0 -j
- Print the energy counter for zone 0 for the intel-rapl control type.
- powercap-info intel-rapl -z 1:0 -c 0 -l
- Print the power limit for zone 1, subzone 0, constraint 0 for the intel-rapl control type.
Some fields are optional and/or may require administrative
(super-user) privileges to read.
Fields will only be printed if they are available and readable, unless
-v/--verbose is set.
If no subzone/constraint-specific outputs are requested, all available zones
and constraints will be shown.
Energy units: microjoules (uJ)
Power units: microwatts (uW)
Time units: microseconds (us)
Report bugs upstream at <https://github.com/powercap/powercap>
Connor Imes <connor.k.imes@gmail.com>
2021-12-12 | powercap |