table of contents
prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter - Prometheus exporter for Elasticsearch metrics
- -h, --help
- Show context-sensitive help (also try --help-long and --help-man).
- --collector.cluster-info
- Enable the cluster-info collector (default: enabled).
- --collector.clustersettings
- Enable the clustersettings collector (default: disabled).
- --collector.snapshots
- Enable the snapshots collector (default: disabled).
- --tasks.actions="indices:*"
- Filter on task actions. Used in same way as Task API actions param
- --collector.tasks
- Enable the tasks collector (default: disabled).
- --web.telemetry-path="/metrics"
- Path under which to expose metrics.
- --web.systemd-socket
- Use systemd socket activation listeners instead of port listeners (Linux only).
- --web.listen-address=:9114
- Addresses on which to expose metrics and web interface. Repeatable for multiple addresses. Examples: `:9100` or `[::1]:9100` for http, `vsock://:9100` for vsock
- --web.config.file=""
- Path to configuration file that can enable TLS or authentication. See:
- --es.uri="http://localhost:9200"
- HTTP API address of an Elasticsearch node.
- --es.timeout=5s
- Timeout for trying to get stats from Elasticsearch.
- --es.all
- Export stats for all nodes in the cluster. If used, this flag will override the flag es.node.
- --es.node="_local"
- Node's name of which metrics should be exposed.
- --es.indices
- Export stats for indices in the cluster.
- --es.indices_settings
- Export stats for settings of all indices of the cluster.
- --es.indices_mappings
- Export stats for mappings of all indices of the cluster.
- --es.aliases
- Export informational alias metrics.
- --es.ilm
- Export index lifecycle politics for indices in the cluster.
- --es.shards
- Export stats for shards in the cluster (implies --es.indices).
- --es.slm
- Export stats for SLM snapshots.
- --es.data_stream
- Export stas for Data Streams.
- --es.clusterinfo.interval=5m
- Cluster info update interval for the cluster label
- Path to PEM file that contains trusted Certificate Authorities for the Elasticsearch connection.
- --es.client-private-key=""
- Path to PEM file that contains the private key for client auth when connecting to Elasticsearch.
- --es.client-cert=""
- Path to PEM file that contains the corresponding cert for the private key to connect to Elasticsearch.
- --es.ssl-skip-verify
- Skip SSL verification when connecting to Elasticsearch.
- --log.level="info"
- Sets the loglevel. Valid levels are debug, info, warn, error
- --log.format="logfmt"
- Sets the log format. Valid formats are json and logfmt
- --log.output="stdout"
- Sets the log output. Valid outputs are stdout and stderr
- --aws.region=""
- Region for AWS elasticsearch
- --aws.role-arn=""
- Role ARN of an IAM role to assume.
- --version
- Show application version.
March 2025 | prometheus-elasticsearch-exporter 1.8.0 |