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kernel-bootcfg - manual page for kernel-bootcfg 24.11


usage: kernel-bootcfg [-h] [-l LEVEL] [--vars FILE] [--show] [-v]

[--add-uki FILE] [--update-uki FILE] [--remove-uki FILE]
[--cmdline CMDLINE] [--boot-ok] [--update-csv] [--add-uri URI] [--remove-entry NNNN] [--once] [--boot-order POS] [--dry-run] [--title TITLE] [--shim FILE] [--print-loader]

Show and manage uefi boot entries.


show this help message and exit
set loglevel to LEVEL
read edk2 vars from FILE
print boot configuration
print more details

update unified kernel image (UKI) boot entries:

add boot entry for UKI image FILE
update boot entry for UKI image FILE
remove boot entry for UKI image FILE
override UKIs cmdline when adding boot entry (ignored when Secure Boot is enabled)
boot is successful, add BootCurrent to BootOrder.
update BOOT.CSV

update other boot entries:

add boot entry to netboot URI
add remove entry NNNN

options for boot entry updates:

boot added/updated entry once (using BootNext)
place added/updated entry at POS in BootOrder (0 is first)
do not actually update the configuration
label the entry with TITLE
use shim binary FILE
print boot loader name


Gerd Hoffmann <>

November 2024 kernel-bootcfg 24.11