table of contents
RTAGS-RC(7) | User Commands | RTAGS-RC(7) |
rtags-rc - manual page for RTags client
rtags-rc [OPTION]...
rtags-rc is the RTags client application.
- --verbose|-v
- Be more verbose.
- --version
- Print current version.
- --verify-version|-t [arg]
- Verify that the correct protocol version is used.
- --silent|-Q
- Be silent.
- --help|-h
- Display this help.
- --config [arg]
- Use this file (instead of ~/.rcrc).
- --no-rc
- Don't load any rc files.
- --quit-rdm|-q
- Tell server to shut down with optional exit code as argument.
- --connect-timeout [arg]
- Timeout for connecting to rtags-rdm in ms (default 1000).
Project management:¶
- --clear|-C
- Clear projects.
- --project|-w [optional]
- With arg, select project matching that if unique, otherwise list all projects.
- --delete-project|-W [arg]
- Delete all projects matching regex.
- --job-count|-j [optional]
- Set or query current job count. (Prefix with l to set low-priority-job-count).
Indexing commands:¶
- --compile|-c [optional]
- Pass compilation arguments to rtags-rdm.
- --guess-flags
- Guess compile flags (used with -c).
- --load-compile-commands|-J [optional]
- Load compile_commands.json from directory
- --suspend|-X [optional]
- Dump suspended files (don't track changes in these files) with no arg. Otherwise toggle suspension for arg.
Query commands:¶
- --follow-location|-f [arg]
- Follow this location.
- --references-name|-R [arg]
- Find references matching arg.
- --references|-r [arg]
- Find references matching this location.
- --list-symbols|-S [optional]
- List symbol names matching arg.
- --find-symbols|-F [optional]
- Find symbols matching arg.
- --symbol-info|-U [arg]
- Get cursor info for this location.
- --status|-s [optional]
- Dump status of rtags-rdm. Arg can be symbols or symbolNames.
- --diagnose [arg]
- Resend diagnostics for file.
- --diagnose-all
- Resend diagnostics for all files.
- --last-indexed
- Get timestamp of the last time indexing completed for the current project.
- --is-indexed|-T [arg]
- Check if rtags knows about, and is ready to return information about, this source file.
- --is-indexing [optional]
- Check if rtags is currently indexing files in any project or in project matching pattern.
- --has-filemanager [optional]
- Check if rtags has info about files in this directory.
- --preprocess|-E [arg]
- Preprocess file.
- --asm [arg]
- Assemble file.
- --reindex|-V [optional]
- Reindex all files or all files matching pattern.
- --check-reindex|-x [optional]
- Check if reindexing is necessary for all files matching pattern.
- --path|-P [optional]
- Print files matching pattern.
- --current-project
- Print path for current project.
- --dump-file|-d [arg]
- Dump source file.
- --check-includes [arg]
- Check includes for source file.
- --dump-file-maps [arg]
- Dump file maps for file.
- --generate-test [arg]
- Generate a test for a given source file.
- --rdm-log|-g
- Receive logs from rtags-rdm.
- --fixits [arg]
- Get fixits for file.
- --remove|-D [arg]
- Remove file from project.
- --find-project-root [arg]
- Use to check behavior of find-project-root.
- --find-project-build-root [arg]
- Use to check behavior of find-project-root for builds.
- --include-file [arg]
- Use to generate include statement for symbol.
- --sources [optional]
- Dump sources for source file.
- --dependencies [arg]
- Dump dependencies for source file [(includes, included-by, depends-on, depended-on, tree-depends-on, raw)].
- --all-dependencies
- Dump dependencies for all source files [(includes, included-by, depends-on, depended-on, tree-depends-on, raw)].
- --reload-file-manager|-B
- Reload file manager.
- --code-complete-at|-l [arg]
- Code complete at location: arg is file:line:col.
- --send-diagnostics [arg]
- Only for debugging. Send data to all -G connections.
- --dump-completions
- Dump cached completions.
- --dump-compile-commands
- Dump compilation database for project.
- --set-buffers [optional]
- Set active buffers (list of filenames for active buffers in editor).
- --list-buffers
- List active buffers.
- --add-buffers [arg]
- Add additional buffers.
- --remove-buffers [arg]
- Remove buffers.
- --list-cursor-kinds
- List spelling for known cursor kinds.
- --class-hierarchy [arg]
- Dump class hierarcy for struct/class at location.
- --debug-locations [optional]
- Manipulate debug locations.
- --validate
- Validate database files for current project.
- --tokens [arg]
- Dump tokens for file. --tokens file.cpp:123-321 for range.
- --find-dead-functions [optional]
- Find functions declared/defined in the current file that are never in the project.
Command flags:¶
- --strip-paren|-p
- Strip parens in various contexts.
- --max|-M [arg]
- Max lines of output for queries.
- --reverse-sort|-O
- Sort output reversed.
- --rename
- Used for --references to indicate that we're using the results to rename symbols.
- --unsaved-file [arg]
- Pass unsaved file on command line. E.g. --unsaved-file=main.cpp:1200 then write 1200 bytes on stdin.
- --log-file|-L [arg]
- Log to this file.
- --no-context|-N
- Don't print context for locations.
- --path-filter|-i [arg]
- Filter out results not matching with arg.
- --dependency-filter [arg]
- Filter out results unless argument depends on them.
- --range-filter [arg]
- Filter out results not in the specified range.
- --filter-system-headers|-H
- Don't exempt system headers from path filters.
- --all-references|-e
- Include definitions/declarations/constructors/destructors for references. Used for rename symbol.
- --target-usrs
- Print all matching usr targets for -f. Used for debugging.
- --all-targets
- Print multiple targets for -f. Sorted by best match.
- --elisp|-Y
- Output elisp: (list "one" "two" ...).
- --json
- Output json.
- --json-diagnostics-include-skipped
- Output json diagnostics with skipped ranges.
- --diagnostics|-m
- Receive async formatted diagnostics from rtags-rdm.
- --match-regexp|-Z
- Treat various text patterns as regexps (-P, -i, -V, -F).
- --match-icase|-I
- Match case insensitively
- --absolute-path|-K
- Print files with absolute path.
- --socket-file|-n [arg]
- Use this socket file (default ~/.rdm).
- --socket-address [arg]
- Use this host:port combination (instead of --socket-file).
- --timeout|-y [arg]
- Max time in ms to wait for job to finish (default no timeout).
- --find-virtuals|-k
- Use in combinations with -R or -r to show other implementations of this function.
- --find-file-prefer-exact|-A
- Use to make --find-file prefer exact matches over partial matches.
- --symbol-info-include-parents
- Use to make --symbol-info include parent symbols.
- --symbol-info-include-targets
- Use to make --symbol-info include target symbols.
- --symbol-info-include-references
- Use to make --symbol-info include reference symbols.
- --symbol-info-include-base-classes
- Use to make --symbol-info include baseclasses' symbols.
- --symbol-info-include-source-code
- Use to make --symbol-info include source code.
- --cursor-kind
- Include cursor kind in --find-symbols output.
- --display-name
- Include display name in --find-symbols output.
- --current-file [arg]
- Pass along which file is being edited to give rtags-rdm a better chance at picking the right project.
- --declaration-only|-G
- Filter out definitions (unless inline).
- --definition-only
- Filter out declarations (unless inline).
- --kind-filter [arg]
- Only return results matching this kind.
- --containing-function|-o
- Include name of containing function in output.
- --containing-function-location
- Include location of containing function in output.
- --build-index [arg]
- For sources with multiple builds, use the arg'th.
- --compilation-flags-only
- For --source, only print compilation flags.
- --compilation-flags-split-line
- For --source, print one compilation flag per line.
- --compilation-flags-pwd
- For --source, print pwd for compile command on the first line.
- --dump-include-headers
- For --dump-file, also dump dependencies.
- --silent-query
- Don't log this request in rtags-rdm.
- --synchronous-completions
- Wait for completion results and print them to stdout.
- --synchronous-diagnostics
- Wait for diagnostics and print them to stdout.
- --xml
- Output XML
- --no-sort-references-by-input
- Don't sort references by input position.
- --project-root [arg]
- Override project root for compile commands.
- Print out .rtags-config for argument.
- --wildcard-symbol-names|-a
- Expand * like wildcards in --list-symbols and --find-symbols.
- --no-color|-z
- Don't colorize context.
- --wait
- Wait for reindexing to finish.
- --code-complete-include-macros
- Include macros in code completion results.
- --code-complete-includes
- Give includes in completion results.
- --code-complete-no-wait
- Don't wait for synchronous completion if the translation unit has to be created.
- --code-complete-prefix [arg]
- Filter out code completion results that don't start with this prefix.
- --code-completion-enabled|-b
- Inform rtags-rdm that we're code-completing. Use with --diagnose
- --no-spell-checking
- Don't produce spell check info in diagnostics.
- --tokens-include-symbols
- Include symbols for tokens.
- --no-realpath
- Don't resolve paths using realpath(3).
- --include-path [arg]
- Dump include path for symbol.
- --max-depth [arg]
- Max search depth. Used for --include-path.
January 2020 | rc 2.38.130 |