These options control whether output is written to file(s),
standard output, or directly to a man pager.
FASTA file with chromosomes (mandatory)
FASTA file with Solexa reads (mandatory, except when
--fastq or --index is used)
FASTA file with Solexa reads (mandatory, except when
--fastq or --index is used)
FASTQ file with Solexa reads (mandatory, except when
--fasta or --index is used)
FASTQ file with Solexa reads (optional; read mate)
File with list of read names (!) to ignore
Region file for finding new SNPs (optional)
Simple SNP file (optional)
GFF file with SNPs (optional)
Output a uniqueness data file for the reference; no
Solexa reads needed; implies—noshortcuts` (optional)
Outputs complete pileup into that file (optional)
Outputs alignment in CIGAR format (optional)
Outputs reads in GFF format (optional)
Outputs (high depth) coverage data (optional)
Outputs a list of possible variations (optional; paired
Outputs a plot of fragment size distribution to a file
Outputs a list of reads containing known SNPs to a file
Outputs indel data to a file (optional)
For paired reads, writes read matches indicating
inversions into a file (optional)
For paired reads, writes read matches that "face
away" from each other into a file (optional)
Creates a sqlite text file with alignment data
[EXPERIMENTAL] (optional)
Creates a SAM alignment file (optional)
Outputs read pairs where "half" reads map
uniquely to different contigs (optional)
Outputs no-match, single-match and multi-match Solexa
reads into prefixed files (optional)
Mask of 1s and 0s to turn off individual bins. Order: No
match, single match, multi-match, IUPAC. Example: 0100 creates only
single-match bin. (optional; default:1111)
For paired reads, the length of the first part of the
read (mandatory for paired reads)
For paired reads, the average fragment length (mandatory
for paired reads)
For paired reads, the variance of the fragment length to
either side (optional; default: 1/4 of fragment size)
Maximum number of mismatches for wobble (optional;
default 2; see --wobble)
Maximum number of SNPs per chromosomal index (optional;
Index filename (index will be created if it does not
exist; optional)
Will process all chrososomal regions, even those with
lots’o’repeats (optional; no value)
Only lists found SNPs in the pileup (optional; no
Discards all chromosomes but NAME prior to run
Starts indexing at this position on all chromosomes
Stops indexing at this position on all chromosomes
For paired reads, if one but not the other matches, shorten the other by
NUMBER` bases (optional)
Length of internal index 1 (optional; default:10)
Length of internal index 2 (optional; default:16)
Indexes the genome every NUMBER of positions; saves
memory and runtime, but can have strange side effects (optional)
Puts a multiple-matching read to a random position
(optional) [currently paired reads only]
Only performs additional output functions for single
matches (optional) [currently paired reads only]
For paired reads, at least one read has to match uniquely
in the genome (force one unique match) (optional)
The number of mismatches allowed outside the index
(index1+index2) (optional)
Writes all read pair alignments into a file