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DUMP3D(1) Survex DUMP3D(1)


dump3d - text dump of processed survey data file


dump3d [--survey=SURVEY] [--rewind] [--show-dates] [--legs] INPUT_FILE


Dump out the entries in a processed survey data file - useful for debugging, and also provides a textual format which is fairly easy to parse if you want to write a simple script to pull out information from such files.

Don't be mislead by the "3d" in this tool's name - it can be used to dump a file in any format the "img" library can read, so it works with Survex .3d and .pos files, Compass .plt and .plf files, CMAP .sht, .adj and .una files.

If you're parsing the output in a script, you may want to use option -legs so you get a LEG item for each leg with from and to coordinates instead of each traverse being a MOVE item followed by a series of LINE items.

The --show-dates option uses . as the separator between date components by default (e.g. 2024.12.01), but (since Survex 1.4.13) you can specify a different separator. If this separator is . then - is used between two dates which form a range, otherwise a space is used. For convenience, -D is provided as a short-cut for --show-dates=- which outputs dates in the ISO date format.

(The --rewind option is only provided to allow debugging and testing the img_rewind() function.)


only load the sub-survey with this prefix
rewind file and read it a second time
show survey date information (if present)
equivalent to --show-dates=-
convert MOVE and LINE into LEG
display short help and exit
output version information and exit


aven(1), cavern(1), diffpos(1), extend(1), sorterr(1), survexport(1)



February 21, 2025