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SVTPLAY-DL(1) Generated Python Manual SVTPLAY-DL(1)




svtplay-dl [-h] [--version] [-o output] [--filename filename] [--subfolder] [--config configfile] [-f] [-l] [-c capture_time] [-s] [--silent-semi] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD] [--token TOKEN] [-t] [-g] [--get-only-episode-url] [--dont-verify-ssl-cert] [--http-header header1=value;header2=value2] [--cookies cookie1=value;cookie2=value2] [--exclude WORD1,WORD2,...] [--after-date yyyy-MM-dd] [--proxy proxy] [-v] [--nfo] [--force-nfo] [--only-audio] [--only-video] [-q quality] [-Q amount] [-P preferred] [--list-quality] [--stream-priority dash,hls,http] [--format-preferred h264,h264-51] [--audio-language AUDIO_LANGUAGE] [--video-role VIDEO_ROLE] [--resolution RESOLUTION] [-S] [-M] [--force-subtitle] [--require-subtitle] [--all-subtitles] [--raw-subtitles] [--convert-subtitle-colors] [-A] [--all-last NN] [--include-clips] [-R] [--cmore-operatorlist] [--cmore-operator operator] [--no-remux] [--no-merge] [--no-postprocess] [--keep-original] [--output-format {mp4,mkv}] [urls ...]

show program's version number and exit

outputs to the given filename or folder

filename format {title}.s{season}e{episode}.{episodename}-{id}-{service}.{ext}

Create a subfolder titled as the show, non-series gets in folder movies

Specify configuration file

overwrite if file exists already

enable for live streams (RTMP based ones)

define capture time in minutes of a live stream

be less verbose

only show a message when the file is downloaded




download thumbnail from the site if available

do not download any video, but instead print the URL.

do not get video URLs, only print the episode URL.

Don't attempt to verify SSL certificates.

A header to add to each HTTP request.

A cookies to add to each HTTP request.

exclude videos with the WORD(s) in the filename. comma separated.

only videos published on or after this date

Use the specified HTTP/HTTPS/SOCKS proxy. To enable experimental SOCKS proxy, specify a proper scheme. For example socks5://

explain what is going on

create a NFO file

download only NFO if used with --nfo

only download audio if audio and video is seperated

only download video if audio and video is seperated


choose what format to download based on bitrate / video will download the best format by default

allow given quality (as above) to differ by an amount

preferred download method (dash, hls, or http)

list the quality for a video

If two streams have the same quality, choose the one you prefer

Choose the format you prefer, --list-quality to show which one to choose from

Choose the language of the audio (it can override the default one), --list- quality to show which one to choose from

Choose the role of the video (it can override the default one), --list-quality to show which one to choose from

Choose what video resolution to download e.g. 480,720,1080. comma seperated


download subtitle from the site if available. both merged and separately stored if used with -M

merge subtitle with video/audio file with corresponding ISO639-3 language code. also saved separately if used with -S

download only subtitle if its used with -S

download only if a subtitle is available

Download all available subtitles for the video

also download the subtitles in their native format

converts the color information in subtitles, to <font color=""> tags


try to download all episodes

get last NN episodes instead of all episodes

include clips from websites when using -A

Reverse download order


show operatorlist for cmore


Do not automatically remux to mp4

Do not automatically merge video, audio and possibly also subtitle(s) together

Do not postprocess anything

Do postprocessing while also keeping original files

format you want resulting file in (mkv or mp4), mp4 is default


Johan Andersson


The latest version of svtplay-dl may be downloaded from

2024-08-04 svtplay-dl