TODOMAN(1) | Todoman | TODOMAN(1) |
todoman - a simple, standards-based, cli todo manager
- -v, --verbosity <LVL>
- --colour, --color <colour>
- By default todoman will disable colored output if stdout is not a TTY (value auto). Set to never to disable colored output entirely, or always to enable it regardless.
- Options
- always | auto | never
- --porcelain
- Use a JSON format that will remain stable regardless of configuration or version.
- -h, --humanize
- Format all dates and times in a human friendly way
- -c, --config <PATH>
- The config file to use.
- --version
- Show the version and exit.
Environment variables
Cancel one or more tasks.
todoman cancel [OPTIONS] TODOS...
- Required argument(s)
Copy tasks to another list.
todoman copy [OPTIONS] IDS...
- -l, --list <list>
- The list to copy the tasks to.
- Required argument(s)
Delete tasks.
Permanently deletes one or more task. It is recommended that you use the cancel command if you wish to remove this from the pending list, but keep the actual task around.
todoman delete [OPTIONS] IDS...
- Required argument(s)
Mark one or more tasks as done.
todoman done [OPTIONS] TODOS...
- Required argument(s)
Edit the task with id ID.
todoman edit [OPTIONS] ID
- --raw
- Open the raw file for editing in $EDITOR. Only use this if you REALLY know what you're doing!
- -s, --start <start>
- When the task starts.
- -d, --due <due>
- Due date of the task, in the format specified in the configuration.
- --location <location>
- The location where this todo takes place.
- --priority <priority>
- Priority for this task
- -c, --category <category>
- Task categories. Can be used multiple times.
- -i, --interactive
- Go into interactive mode before saving the task.
- ID
- Required argument
Delete done tasks. This will also clear the cache to reset task IDs.
todoman flush [OPTIONS]
- --yes
- Confirm the action without prompting.
List tasks (default). Filters any completed or cancelled tasks by default.
If no arguments are provided, all lists will be displayed, and only incomplete tasks are show. Otherwise, only todos for the specified list will be displayed.
- eg:
- ? - todo list' shows all unfinished tasks from all lists. - `todo list work' shows all unfinished tasks from the list `work.
This is the default action when running
The following commands can further filter shown todos, or include those omited by default:
todoman list [OPTIONS] [LISTS]...
- --location <location>
- Only show tasks with location containg TEXT
- --grep <grep>
- Only show tasks with message containg TEXT
- --sort <sort>
- Sort tasks using fields like : "start", "due", "priority", "created_at", "percent_complete" etc. For all fields please refer to: <>
- --reverse, --no-reverse
- Sort tasks in reverse order (see --sort). Defaults to true.
- --due <due>
- Only show tasks due in INTEGER hours
- -c, --category <category>
- Only show tasks with specified categories.
- --priority <priority>
- Only show tasks with priority at least as high as TEXT (low, medium or high).
- --start <start>
- Only shows tasks before/after given DATE
- --startable
- Show only todos which should can be started today (i.e.: start time is not in the future).
- -s, --status <status>
- Show only todos with the provided comma-separated statuses. Valid statuses are "NEEDS-ACTION", "CANCELLED", "COMPLETED", "IN-PROCESS" or "ANY"
- Optional argument(s)
Move tasks to another list.
todoman move [OPTIONS] IDS...
- -l, --list <list>
- The list to move the tasks to.
- Required argument(s)
Create a new task with SUMMARY.
todoman new [OPTIONS] [SUMMARY]...
- -l, --list <list>
- List in which the task will be saved.
- -r, --read-description
- Read task description from stdin.
- -s, --start <start>
- When the task starts.
- -d, --due <due>
- Due date of the task, in the format specified in the configuration.
- --location <location>
- The location where this todo takes place.
- --priority <priority>
- Priority for this task
- -c, --category <category>
- Task categories. Can be used multiple times.
- -i, --interactive
- Go into interactive mode before saving the task.
- Optional argument(s)
Print the path to a task's file.
todoman path [OPTIONS] ID
- ID
- Required argument
Start an interactive shell.
todoman repl [OPTIONS]
Show details about a task.
todoman show [OPTIONS] ID
- ID
- Required argument
Todoman is a simple, standards-based, cli todo (aka: task) manager. Todos are stored into icalendar files, which means you can sync them via CalDAV using, for example, vdirsyncer.
Todoman usage is CLI based (thought there are some TUI bits, and the intentions is to also provide a fully TUI-based interface).
The default action is list, which outputs all tasks for all calendars, each with a semi-permanent unique id:
1 [ ] !!! 2015-04-30 Close bank account @work (0%) 2 [ ] ! Send minipimer back for warranty replacement @home (0%) 3 [X] 2015-03-29 Buy soy milk @home (100%) 4 [ ] !! Fix the iPad's screen @home (0%) 5 [ ] !! Fix the Touchpad battery @work (0%)
The columns, in order, are:
- An id.
- Whether the task has been completed or not.
- An !!! indicating high priority, !! indicating medium priority, ! indicating low priority tasks.
- The due date.
- The task summary.
- The list the todo is from; it will be hidden when filtering by one list, or if the database only contains a single list.
- The completed percentage.
The id is retained by todoman until the next time you run the flush command.
To operate on a todo, the id is what's used to reference it. For example, to edit the Buy soy milk task from the example above, the proper command is todoman edit 3, or todoman undo 3 to un-mark the task as done.
Editing tasks can only be done via the TUI interface for now, and cannot be done via the command line yet.
If you want to synchronize your tasks, you'll need something that syncs via CalDAV. vdirsyncer is the recommended tool for this.
If you install click-repl, todoman gets a new command called repl, which launches an interactive shell with tab-completion.
When attempting to integrate todoman into other systems or parse its output, you're advised to use the --porcelain flag, which will print all output in a pre-defined format that will remain stable regardless of user configuration or version.
The format is JSON, with a single array containing each todo as a single entry (object). Fields will always be present; if a todo does not have a value for a given field, it will be printed as null.
Fields MAY be added in future, but will never be removed.
Todoman can be used with Conky by using one of the shell execution variables. Given the nature of pimutils utilities, there is no need to query new information every time conky updates so execi will be the best option most of the time.
Adding ${execi 30 todo} inside the text section will display the output of the command and update it every 30 seconds.
A working configuration can be found here.
The tasks can be sorted with the --sort argument. Sorting may be done according to the following fields:
- description
- location
- status
- summary
- uid
- rrule
- percent_complete
- priority
- sequence
- categories
- completed_at
- created_at
- dtstamp
- start
- due
- last_modified
It is possible to prepend a - to a field to sort by that field in ascending order (by default they are sorted in descending order).
todo list --sort due,-priority
You'll need to configure Todoman before the first usage, using its simple ini-like configuration file.
The configuration file should be placed in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/todoman/ $XDG_CONFIG_HOME defaults to ~/.config is most situations, so this will generally be ~/.config/todoman/
- cache_path
- The location of the cache file (an sqlite database). This file is used to store todo data and speed up execution/startup, and also contains the IDs for todos. If the value is not specified, a path relative to $XDG_CACHE_HOME will be used. $XDG_CACHE_HOME generally resolves to ~/.cache/.
- color
- By default todoman will disable colored output if stdout is not a TTY (value auto). Set to never to disable colored output entirely, or always to enable it regardless. This can be overridden with the --color option.
- date_format
- The date format used both for displaying dates, and parsing input dates. If this option is not specified the system locale's is used.
- default_due
- The default difference (in hours) between new todo's due date and creation date. If not specified, the value is 24. If set to 0, the due date for new todos will not be set.
- default_list
- The default list for adding a todo. If you do not specify this option, you must use the --list / -l option every time you add a todo.
- default_priority
- The default priority of a task on creation. Highest priority is 1, lowest priority is 10, and 0 means no priority at all.
- dt_separator
- The string used to separate date and time when displaying and parsing.
- humanize
- If set to true, datetimes will be printed in human friendly formats like
"tomorrow", "in one hour", "3 weeks ago",
If false, datetimes will be formatted using date_format and time_format.
- path
- A glob pattern matching the directories where your todos are located. This pattern will be expanded, and each matching directory (with any icalendar files) will be treated as a list.
- startable
- If set to true, only show todos which are currently startable; these are todos which have a start date today, or some day in the past. Todos with no start date are always considered current. Incomplete todos (eg: partially-complete) are also included.
- time_format
- The date format used both for displaying times, and parsing input times.
The below example should serve as a reference. It will read ics files from any directory inside ~/.local/share/calendars/, uses the ISO-8601 date format, and set the due date for new todos in 48hs.
# A glob expression which matches all directories relevant. path = "~/.local/share/calendars/*" date_format = "%Y-%m-%d" time_format = "%H:%M" default_list = "Personal" default_due = 48
- You can set a color for each task list by creating a color file containing a color code in the hex format: #RRGGBB.
- A file named displayname indicates how the task list should be named and is needed when there are multiple directories sharing a name, e.g.: when using multiple $CloudInstances. The default is the directory name.
See also relevant documentation for the vdir format.
Todoman will use the system-wide configured timezone. If this doesn't work for you, you _may_ override the timezone by specifying the TZ environment variable.
For instruction on changing your system's timezone, consult your distribution's documentation.
Support for the percent-completed attribute is incomplete. Todoman can only mark todos as completed (100%), and will not reflect nor allow editing for values for percent > 0 ^ percent < 100.
For information on contributing, see:
Todoman is licensed under the ISC licence. See LICENCE for details.
Hugo Osvaldo Barrera <>, et al
2015-2023, Hugo Osvaldo Barrera
January 29, 2025 | 4.5.0 |