table of contents
UNIKMER(1) | User Commands | UNIKMER(1) |
unikmer - Toolkit for nucleic acid k-mer analysis
unikmer - Toolkit for k-mer with taxonomic information
unikmer is a toolkit for nucleic acid k-mer analysis, providing functions including set operation on k-mers optional with TaxIds but without count information.
K-mers are either encoded (k<=32) or hashed (arbitrary k) into 'uint64', and serialized in binary file with extension '.unik'.
TaxIds can be assigned when counting k-mers from genome sequences, and LCA (Lowest Common Ancestor) is computed during set opertions including computing union, intersection, set difference, unique and repeated k-mers.
Version: v0.19.0
Author: Wei Shen <>
Documents : Source code:
Dataset (optional):
- Manipulating k-mers with TaxIds needs taxonomy file from e.g., NCBI Taxonomy database, please extract "nodes.dmp", "names.dmp", "delnodes.dmp" and "merged.dmp" from link below into ~/.unikmer/ , , or some other directory, and later you can refer to using flag --data-dir or environment variable UNIKMER_DB.
- For GTDB, use 'taxonkit create-taxdump' to create NCBI-style taxonomy dump files, or download from:
- Note that TaxIds are represented using uint32 and stored in 4 or less bytes, all TaxIds should be in the range of [1, 4294967295]
- unikmer [command]
Available Commands:¶
- autocompletion Generate shell autocompletion script (bash|zsh|fish|powershell) common Find k-mers shared by most of multiple binary files concat Concatenate multiple binary files without removing duplicates count Generate k-mers (sketch) from FASTA/Q sequences decode Decode encoded integer to k-mer text diff Set difference of multiple binary files dump Convert plain k-mer text to binary format encode Encode plain k-mer text to integer filter Filter out low-complexity k-mers (experimental) grep Search k-mers from binary files head Extract the first N k-mers info Information of binary files inter Intersection of multiple binary files locate Locate k-mers in genome merge Merge k-mers from sorted chunk files num Quickly inspect number of k-mers in binary files rfilter Filter k-mers by taxonomic rank sample Sample k-mers from binary files sort Sort k-mers in binary files to reduce file size split Split k-mers into sorted chunk files tsplit Split k-mers according to taxid union Union of multiple binary files uniqs Mapping k-mers back to genome and find unique subsequences version Print version information and check for update view Read and output binary format to plain text
- -c, --compact
- write compact binary file with little loss of speed
- --compression-level int
- compression level (default -1)
- --data-dir string
- directory containing NCBI Taxonomy files, including nodes.dmp, names.dmp, merged.dmp and delnodes.dmp (default "/home/nilesh/.unikmer")
- -h, --help
- help for unikmer
- -I, --ignore-taxid
- ignore taxonomy information
- -i, --infile-list string
- file of input files list (one file per line), if given, they are appended to files from cli arguments
- --max-taxid uint32
- for smaller TaxIds, we can use less space to store TaxIds. default value is 1<<32-1, that's enough for NCBI Taxonomy TaxIds (default 4294967295)
- -C, --no-compress
- do not compress binary file (not recommended)
- --nocheck-file
- do not check binary file, when using process substitution or named pipe
- -j, --threads int
- number of CPUs to use (default 4)
- --verbose
- print verbose information
Use "unikmer [command] --help" for more information about a command.
August 2022 | unikmer 0.19.0 |