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BIB-1 ATTRIBUTE SET(7) Conventions and miscellaneous BIB-1 ATTRIBUTE SET(7)


bib1-attr - Bib-1 Attribute Set


This reference entry lists the Bib-1 attribute set types and values.


The Bib-1 attribute set defines six attribute types: Use (1), Relation (2), Position (3), Structure (4), Truncation (5) and Completeness (6).

USE (1)

1 Personal-name
2 Corporate-name
3 Conference-name
4 Title
5 Title-series
6 Title-uniform
9 LC-card-number
10 BNB-card-number
11 BGF-number
12 Local-number
13 Dewey-classification
14 UDC-classification
15 Bliss-classification
16 LC-call-number
17 NLM-call-number
18 NAL-call-number
19 MOS-call-number
20 Local-classification
21 Subject-heading
22 Subject-Rameau
23 BDI-index-subject
24 INSPEC-subject
25 MESH-subject
26 PA-subject
27 LC-subject-heading
28 RVM-subject-heading
29 Local-subject-index
30 Date
31 Date-of-publication
32 Date-of-acquisition
33 Title-key
34 Title-collective
35 Title-parallel
36 Title-cover
37 Title-added-title-page
38 Title-caption
39 Title-running
40 Title-spine
41 Title-other-variant
42 Title-former
43 Title-abbreviated
44 Title-expanded
45 Subject-precis
46 Subject-rswk
47 Subject-subdivision
48 Number-natl-biblio
49 Number-legal-deposit
50 Number-govt-pub
51 Number-music-publisher
52 Number-db
53 Number-local-call
54 Code-language
55 Code-geographic
56 Code-institution
57 Name-and-title
58 Name-geographic
59 Place-publication
61 Microform-generation
62 Abstract
63 Note
1000 Author-title
1001 Record-type
1002 Name
1003 Author
1004 Author-name-personal
1005 Author-name-corporate
1006 Author-name-conference
1007 Identifier-standard
1008 Subject-LC-childrens
1009 Subject-name-personal
1010 Body-of-text
1011 Date/time-added-to-db
1012 Date/time-last-modified
1013 Authority/format-id
1014 Concept-text
1015 Concept-reference
1016 Any
1017 Server-choice
1018 Publisher
1019 Record-source
1020 Editor
1021 Bib-level
1022 Geographic-class
1023 Indexed-by
1024 Map-scale
1025 Music-key
1026 Related-periodical
1027 Report-number
1028 Stock-number
1030 Thematic-number
1031 Material-type
1032 Doc-id
1033 Host-item
1034 Content-type
1035 Anywhere
1036 Author-Title-Subject


1 Less than
2 Less than or equal
3 Equal
4 Greater or equal
5 Greater than
6 Not equal
100 Phonetic
101 Stem
102 Relevance
103 AlwaysMatches


1 First in field
2 First in subfield
3 Any position in field


1 Phrase
2 Word
3 Key
4 Year
5 Date (normalized)
6 Word list
100 Date (un-normalized)
101 Name (normalized)
102 Name (un-normalized)
103 Structure
104 Urx
105 Free-form-text
106 Document-text
107 Local-number
108 String
109 Numeric-string


1 Right truncation
2 Left truncation
3 Left and right truncation
100 Do not truncate
101 Process # in search term . regular #=.*
102 RegExpr-1
103 RegExpr-2
104 Process # ?n . regular: #=., ?n=.{0,n} or ?=.* Z39.58

The 105-106 truncation attributes below are only supported by Index Data's Zebra server.

105 Process * ! regular: *=.*, !=. and right truncate
106 Process * ! regular: *=.*, !=.


1 Incomplete subfield
2 Complete subfield
3 Complete field


1 ascending
2 descending

Type 7 is an Index Data extension to RPN queries that allows embedding a sort critieria into a query.


Bib-1 Attribute Set[1]

Attribute Set Bib-1 Semantics[2].


Index Data


Bib-1 Attribute Set
Attribute Set Bib-1 Semantics
02/19/2025 YAZ 5.34.4