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ONVIF::Device::Elements::MetadataStream(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation ONVIF::Device::Elements::MetadataStream(3pm)




Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined element MetadataStream from the namespace



 my $element = ONVIF::Device::Elements::MetadataStream->new($data);

Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():

 { # ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataStream
   # One of the following elements.
   # No occurrence checks yet, so be sure to pass just one...
   VideoAnalytics =>    { # ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoAnalyticsStream
     # One of the following elements.
     # No occurrence checks yet, so be sure to pass just one...
     Frame =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Frame
       PTZStatus =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStatus
         Position =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZVector
           PanTilt => ,
           Zoom => ,
         MoveStatus =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZMoveStatus
           PanTilt => $some_value, # MoveStatus
           Zoom => $some_value, # MoveStatus
         Error =>  $some_value, # string
         UtcTime =>  $some_value, # dateTime
       Transformation =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Transformation
         Translate => ,
         Scale => ,
         Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::TransformationExtension
       Object =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Object
         Appearance =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Appearance
           Transformation =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Transformation
             Translate => ,
             Scale => ,
             Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::TransformationExtension
           Shape =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ShapeDescriptor
             BoundingBox => ,
             CenterOfGravity => ,
             Polygon =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Polygon
               Point => ,
             Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ShapeDescriptorExtension
           Color =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ColorDescriptor
             ColorCluster =>  {
               Color => ,
               Weight =>  $some_value, # float
               Covariance => ,
             Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ColorDescriptorExtension
           Class =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ClassDescriptor
             ClassCandidate =>  {
               Type => $some_value, # ClassType
               Likelihood =>  $some_value, # float
             Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension
               OtherTypes =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::OtherType
                 Type =>  $some_value, # string
                 Likelihood =>  $some_value, # float
               Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ClassDescriptorExtension2
           Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::AppearanceExtension
         Behaviour =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Behaviour
           Removed =>  {
           Idle =>  {
           Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::BehaviourExtension
         Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ObjectExtension
       ObjectTree =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ObjectTree
         Rename =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Rename
           from => ,
           to => ,
         Split =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Split
           from => ,
           to => ,
         Merge =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::Merge
           from => ,
           to => ,
         Delete => ,
         Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::ObjectTreeExtension
       Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::FrameExtension
         MotionInCells =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::MotionInCells
         Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::FrameExtension2
     Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::VideoAnalyticsStreamExtension
   PTZ =>    { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStream
     # One of the following elements.
     # No occurrence checks yet, so be sure to pass just one...
     PTZStatus =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStatus
       Position =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZVector
         PanTilt => ,
         Zoom => ,
       MoveStatus =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZMoveStatus
         PanTilt => $some_value, # MoveStatus
         Zoom => $some_value, # MoveStatus
       Error =>  $some_value, # string
       UtcTime =>  $some_value, # dateTime
     Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::PTZStreamExtension
   Event =>  $some_value, # anyType
   Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataStreamExtension
     AudioAnalyticsStream =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioAnalyticsStream
       AudioDescriptor =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioDescriptor
       Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::AudioAnalyticsStreamExtension
     Extension =>  { # ONVIF::Device::Types::MetadataStreamExtension2


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2024-03-12 perl v5.38.2