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ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Profile(3pm) User Contributed Perl Documentation ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Profile(3pm)




Perl data type class for the XML Schema defined complexType Profile from the namespace

A profile consists of a set of interconnected configuration entities. Configurations are provided by the NVT and can be either static or created dynamically by the NVT. For example, the dynamic configurations can be created by the NVT depending on current available encoding resources.


The following properties may be accessed using get_PROPERTY / set_PROPERTY methods:

  • Name
  • VideoSourceConfiguration
  • AudioSourceConfiguration
  • VideoEncoderConfiguration
  • AudioEncoderConfiguration
  • VideoAnalyticsConfiguration
  • PTZConfiguration
  • MetadataConfiguration
  • Extension



Constructor. The following data structure may be passed to new():

 { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Profile
   Name => $some_value, # Name
   VideoSourceConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfiguration
     SourceToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
     Bounds => ,
     Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension
       Rotate =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Rotate
         Mode => $some_value, # RotateMode
         Degree =>  $some_value, # int
         Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RotateExtension
       Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoSourceConfigurationExtension2
   AudioSourceConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioSourceConfiguration
     SourceToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
   VideoEncoderConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoEncoderConfiguration
     Encoding => $some_value, # VideoEncoding
     Resolution =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoResolution
       Width =>  $some_value, # int
       Height =>  $some_value, # int
     Quality =>  $some_value, # float
     RateControl =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoRateControl
       FrameRateLimit =>  $some_value, # int
       EncodingInterval =>  $some_value, # int
       BitrateLimit =>  $some_value, # int
     MPEG4 =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Mpeg4Configuration
       GovLength =>  $some_value, # int
       Mpeg4Profile => $some_value, # Mpeg4Profile
     H264 =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::H264Configuration
       GovLength =>  $some_value, # int
       H264Profile => $some_value, # H264Profile
     Multicast =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MulticastConfiguration
       Address =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPAddress
         Type => $some_value, # IPType
         IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
         IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
       Port =>  $some_value, # int
       TTL =>  $some_value, # int
       AutoStart =>  $some_value, # boolean
     SessionTimeout =>  $some_value, # duration
   AudioEncoderConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioEncoderConfiguration
     Encoding => $some_value, # AudioEncoding
     Bitrate =>  $some_value, # int
     SampleRate =>  $some_value, # int
     Multicast =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MulticastConfiguration
       Address =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPAddress
         Type => $some_value, # IPType
         IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
         IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
       Port =>  $some_value, # int
       TTL =>  $some_value, # int
       AutoStart =>  $some_value, # boolean
     SessionTimeout =>  $some_value, # duration
   VideoAnalyticsConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::VideoAnalyticsConfiguration
     AnalyticsEngineConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfiguration
       AnalyticsModule =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Config
         Parameters =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemList
           SimpleItem => ,
           ElementItem =>  {
           Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemListExtension
       Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension
     RuleEngineConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RuleEngineConfiguration
       Rule =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Config
         Parameters =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemList
           SimpleItem => ,
           ElementItem =>  {
           Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemListExtension
       Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::RuleEngineConfigurationExtension
   PTZConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZConfiguration
     NodeToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
     DefaultAbsolutePantTiltPositionSpace =>  $some_value, # anyURI
     DefaultAbsoluteZoomPositionSpace =>  $some_value, # anyURI
     DefaultRelativePanTiltTranslationSpace =>  $some_value, # anyURI
     DefaultRelativeZoomTranslationSpace =>  $some_value, # anyURI
     DefaultContinuousPanTiltVelocitySpace =>  $some_value, # anyURI
     DefaultContinuousZoomVelocitySpace =>  $some_value, # anyURI
     DefaultPTZSpeed =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZSpeed
       PanTilt => ,
       Zoom => ,
     DefaultPTZTimeout =>  $some_value, # duration
     PanTiltLimits =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PanTiltLimits
       Range =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Space2DDescription
         URI =>  $some_value, # anyURI
         XRange =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FloatRange
           Min =>  $some_value, # float
           Max =>  $some_value, # float
         YRange =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FloatRange
           Min =>  $some_value, # float
           Max =>  $some_value, # float
     ZoomLimits =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ZoomLimits
       Range =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Space1DDescription
         URI =>  $some_value, # anyURI
         XRange =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::FloatRange
           Min =>  $some_value, # float
           Max =>  $some_value, # float
     Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension
       PTControlDirection =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTControlDirection
         EFlip =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::EFlip
           Mode => $some_value, # EFlipMode
         Reverse =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Reverse
           Mode => $some_value, # ReverseMode
         Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTControlDirectionExtension
       Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZConfigurationExtension2
   MetadataConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataConfiguration
     PTZStatus =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::PTZFilter
       Status =>  $some_value, # boolean
       Position =>  $some_value, # boolean
     Analytics =>  $some_value, # boolean
     Multicast =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MulticastConfiguration
       Address =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::IPAddress
         Type => $some_value, # IPType
         IPv4Address => $some_value, # IPv4Address
         IPv6Address => $some_value, # IPv6Address
       Port =>  $some_value, # int
       TTL =>  $some_value, # int
       AutoStart =>  $some_value, # boolean
     SessionTimeout =>  $some_value, # duration
     AnalyticsEngineConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfiguration
       AnalyticsModule =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Config
         Parameters =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemList
           SimpleItem => ,
           ElementItem =>  {
           Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ItemListExtension
       Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AnalyticsEngineConfigurationExtension
     Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::MetadataConfigurationExtension
   Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ProfileExtension
     AudioOutputConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioOutputConfiguration
       OutputToken => $some_value, # ReferenceToken
       SendPrimacy =>  $some_value, # anyURI
       OutputLevel =>  $some_value, # int
     AudioDecoderConfiguration =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::AudioDecoderConfiguration
     Extension =>  { # ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ProfileExtension2


NOTE: Attribute documentation is experimental, and may be inaccurate. See the correspondent WSDL/XML Schema if in question.

This class has additional attributes, accessibly via the attr() method.

attr() returns an object of the class ONVIF::PTZ::Types::Profile::_Profile::XmlAttr.

The following attributes can be accessed on this object via the corresponding get_/set_ methods:

  • token

     Unique identifier of the profile.

    This attribute is of type ONVIF::PTZ::Types::ReferenceToken.

  • fixed

     A value of true signals that the profile cannot be deleted. Default is false.

    This attribute is of type SOAP::WSDL::XSD::Typelib::Builtin::boolean.


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2025-02-21 perl v5.40.1