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antidote-bundle(1) Antidote Manual antidote-bundle(1)


antidote bundle - download a bundle and print its source line


antidote bundle [<bundles>...]


antidote-bundle assembles your Zsh plugins. Bundles can be git repos, or local files or directories. If a plugin is a repo, it will be cloned if necessary. The zsh code necessary to load (source) the plugin is then printed.

  antidote bundle gituser/gitrepo

  antidote bundle $ZSH_CUSTOM/plugins/myplugin

  antidote bundle ${ZDOTDIR:-$HOME}/.zlibs/myfile.zsh

Bundles also support annotations. Annotations allow you have finer grained control over your plugins. Annotations are used in the form 'keyword:value'.

zsh: A zsh plugin. This is the default kind of bundle.
fpath: Only add the plugin to your $fpath.
path: Add the plugin to your $PATH.
clone: Only clone a plugin, but don’t do anything else with it.
defer: Defers loading of a plugin using 'romkatv/zsh-defer'.
autoload: Autoload all the files in the plugin directory as zsh functions.
The branch annotation allows you to change the default branch of a plugin’s repo from main to a branch of your choosing.
The path annotation allows you to use a subdirectory or file within a plugin’s structure instead of the root plugin (eg: 'path:plugins/subplugin').
The conditonal annotation allows you to wrap an if statement around a plugin’s load script. Supply the name of a zero argument zsh function to conditional to perform the test (eg: 'conditional:is-macos').
pre / post
The pre and post annotations allow you to call a function before or after a plugin’s load script. This is helpful when configuring plugins, since the configuration functions will only run for active plugins. Supply the name of a zero argument zsh function to pre or post.
The autoload annotation allows you to autoload a zsh functions directory in addition to however the plugin was loaded as specified by 'kind'. Supply a relative path to autoload (eg: 'autoload:functions').

Cloned repo directory names can be overridden with the following zstyle:

  zstyle ':antidote:bundle' use-friendly-names 'yes'


Show the help documentation.
Zsh plugin bundles


Using the kind: annotation...

  # a regular plugin (kind:zsh is implied, so it’s unnecessary)

  antidote bundle zsh-users/zsh-history-substring-search kind:zsh

  # add prompt plugins to $fpath

  antidote bundle sindresorhus/pure kind:fpath

  # add utility plugins to $PATH

  antidote bundle romkatv/zsh-bench kind:path

  # clone a repo for use in other ways

  antidote bundle mbadolato/iTerm2-Color-Schemes kind:clone

  # autoload a functions directory

  antidote bundle sorin-ionescu/prezto path:modules/utility/functions kind:autoload

  # defer a plugin to speed up load times

  antidote bundle olets/zsh-abbr kind:defer

Using the branch: annotation...

  # don’t use the main branch, use develop instead

  antidote bundle zsh-users/zsh-autosuggestions branch:develop

Using the path: annotation...

  # load oh-my-zsh

  antidote bundle ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:lib

  antidote bundle ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/git

Using the conditional: annotation...

  # define a conditional function prior to loading antidote

  function is_macos {

    [[ $OSTYPE == darwin* ]] || return 1


  # conditionally load a plugin using the function you made

  antidote bundle ohmyzsh/ohmyzsh path:plugins/macos conditional:is_macos


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Copyright (c) 2021-2024 Matt McElheny
antidote contributors: <>